The provocation for Russia annexing Ukrainian territory was caused by American democrat's unlawful removal of the elected leader of Ukraine and replacing him with a puppet government headed by the
Obama/Biden tyrant-kike Zelensky which then caused Russians in eastern Ukraine to be terrorized, marginalized and murdered.
Putin is rightly concerned about armed and hostile illegitimacy of Obama/Biden's Zelensky persecuting Russians in eastern Ukraine within actual Russian territory.
Once Biden and Kammy are dead (politically or more) the GOP Speaker of the House must advise Putin to do a SWAT hit on Zelensky as was done on bin Laden and take over Ukraine government instead of in-fact-superior Russian military continuing to destroy Zelensky's internal infrastructure causing anti-Zelenski innocent Ukrainians so much grief.
It will take an outside force to destroy stubborn tyrant-kike Zelensky who, as long as he is propped up by huge monetary and equipment assets by American Obominites/Bidenites, will never surrender.
NPR News and their media cronies accuse MAGA Trumpers of being "election deniers" but like overbroad "no-fruit-from-anything-is-to-be-eaten?" Satan deceiving Eve in The Garden, the devious weaselworders truncate the charge which turns back against them as being Election FRAUD Deniers.
When Trump purportedly stated that the massive election fraud of 2020 "allows for terminating the Constitution" he obviously was not advocating terminating the Constitution, but instead meant that such dishonest balloting-shenanigan cheating has the end effect of being the basis for and even terminating the Constitution which our Founding Fathers never intended.
- revdanbloomquist of Instagram
- DRBloomquist of YouTube
Roy Blunt of Missouri
John Boozman of Arkansas
Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia
Susan Collins of Maine
John Cornyn of Texas
Tom Cotton of Arkansas
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
Jerry Moran of Kansas
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
Rob Portman of Ohio
Mitt Romney of Utah
Mike Rounds of South Dakota
Richard Shelby of Alabama
John Thune of South Dakota
Roger Wicker of Mississippi
Todd Young of Indiana
In Middle Eastern countries, the Koran and its judicial interpretation dictates who must be beheaded, hung, amputated, or thrown off a tall building.
Frequently, offenders are either evidence-proven adultereresses or homosexuals.
The Bible (including the Torah) is full of both RIGHTEOUS love AND hate speech, requiring even execution against those who disregard and object to both.
"Do I not hate those who hate you, LORD? And do I not loathe those who rise up against you?
I hate them with perfect hatred; I consider them my enemies."
(Psalm 139:22-23)
Joshua, Phineas, Samson, Samuel, David, Solomon, etc. did just that.
In America, a cop, sheriff, marshal, etc. is a legitimate judge jury and executioner against those deemed legally deserving to be shot dead on the spot (a modern type of lethal stoning) instead of merely cuffed and jailed, according to existing not proposed civil law.
That is part of "due process" - lethally enforcing prior legislation having been legally agreed upon.
1. No Shoes in Pool Area
2. Clothing-Optional Beachwear
3. Sit or Lie on Towel When Convenient
Facemasks should be worn indoors only by those non-tested who are obviously exhibiting active or developing (asymptomatic) Covid contagion.

Say NO! to arrogant-feminist-mophead Amy Barrett
Say NO! to abortion-homicide-choice matriarchal/anti-patriarchal (wannabe-Prez)-feminist Kamala Harris
High-School Graduation-Test Final Exam
Ukrainian-extortionist, females-molesting, corrupt-son-Hunter-protecting, eucharist-denied-for-being-abortion-choice, quasi-senile Joe Biden is into forced acceptance of reverse-gender-pronoun and rest rooms transgenderism.
NO Windows 10! Be content with Windows 7!
NOT: "mankind" but INSTEAD: "humankind"

Nine Key Points from Trump Campaign Press Conference on Challenges to 2020 Election Results
Rudy Giuliani and other lawyers representing President Donald Trump’s campaign outlined their case Thursday that the Nov. 3 presidential election was so deeply flawed in several key states that the results should be overturned in the president’s favor.
Giuliani said there was a pattern to the alleged irregularities in key states that suggested, he said, a “plan from a centralized place” to commit voter fraud in cities controlled by Democrats.
He said widespread adoption of vote-by-mail had allowed Democrats to take big-city corruption practices nationwide. “They picked the places where they could get away with it.”
Here are the key allegations the lawyers presented:
1. Observers were allegedly prevented from watching mail-in ballots being opened.
Giuliani said that many mail-in ballots were opened without observers being able to check that they were properly signed, a key protection against fraud. Those votes, he said, were “null and void,” especially where the envelopes had been discarded, making recounts useless.
2. Allegedly unequal application of the law in Democratic counties.
In Pennsylvania, whose state supreme court created new, relaxed voting rules before the election, Giuliani alleged that absentee voters in Democratic counties were allowed to “cure” defects in their ballots, while voters in Republican counties, which obeyed the state law as written, were not.
3. Voters allegedly arrived at the polls to discover other people had voted for them.
Giuliani said that many provisional ballots cast in Pittsburgh were submitted by people who showed up to vote in person, only to be told that they had voted already. He alleged that Democrats had filled out absentee ballots for other people, hoping they would not show up.
4. Election officials were allegedly told not to look for defects in ballots, and to backdate ballots.
Giuliani cited an affidavit from an official who swore she was told not to exclude absentee ballots for defects, and to backdate ballots so they would not appear to have been received after Election Day, to avoid a Supreme Court order to sequester those ballots.
5. Ballots casting votes for Joe Biden and no other candidates were allegedly run several times through machines.
Giuliani said that there were 60 witnesses in Michigan who would attest to ballots being “produced” quickly and counted twice or thrice. He said that a minimum of 60,000 ballots, and a maximum of 100,000 ballots, were allegedly affected.
6. Absentee ballots were accepted in Wisconsin without being applied for first.
Giuliani noted that Wisconsin state law was stricter regarding absentee ballots than most other states are, yet alleged that 60,000 absentee ballots were counted in the Milwaukee area, and 40,000 in the Madison area, without having been applied for properly by the voters who cast them.
7. There were allegedly “overvotes,” with some precincts allegedly recording more voters than residents, among other problems.
Giuliani said there was an unusually large number of overvotes in precincts in Michigan and in Wisconsin, which he alleged was the reason that Republicans on the Wayne County Board of Canvassers had refused to certify the results there this week. He also alleged that there were some out-of-state voters in Georgia, and people who had cast votes twice there.
8. Voting machines and software are allegedly owned by companies with ties to the Venezuelan regime and to left-wing donor George Soros.
Sidney Powell argued that U.S. votes were being counted overseas, and that Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software were controlled by foreign interests, manipulating algorithms to change the results. Powell noted specifically that Smartmatic’s owners included two Venezuelan nationals, whom she alleged had ties to the regime of Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro. The legal team alleged that there were statistical anomalies, such as huge batches of votes for Biden, that could not be explained except as manipulation — which, they alleged, happened in the wee hours of the morning as vote-counting had stalled. (The companies have disputed these allegations vigorously.)
9. The Constitution provides a process for electing a president if the vote is corrupted. Jenna Ellis argued that the media, had usurped the power to declare the winner of the election. She made the point, citing Federalist No. 68, that the constitutional process of selecting a president had procedural safeguards against corruption and foreign influence.
Giuliani said that the campaign believed that enough votes were flawed — more than double the margins between Biden and Trump in key states — that the president had a path to victory.
Giuliani presented evidence in the form of sworn affidavits, citing two and noting that the campaign had many more from private individuals.
He noted that several lawsuits that had been dismissed had been filed by private individuals, not the campaign directly. He said lawsuits might be filed in Arizona, and that the campaign was also examining irregularities in New Mexico and Virginia, though he said he did not think there were enough disputed votes in the latter.
Giuliani also took on the media, arguing that they had provided misleading information and condoned threats against Trump’s legal team.
Rudy Giuliani Blasts Media for Failing to Report Evidence: 220 Affidavits in MI Case Alone, ‘Triple-Counted’ Ballots
Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s lawyer, blasted members of the establishment media during a Thursday press conference, contending that they are failing to do their job by “falsely” reporting a lack of evidence in Trump’s election disputes in key swing states.
“There are many more affidavits here. I’d like to read them all to you, but I don’t have the time. You should have had the time and energy to go look for them,” Giuliani said, telling the reporters in the room that it is, quite literally, their job.
“It’s your job to read these things and not falsely report that there’s no evidence. Do you know how many affidavits we have in the Michigan case? Two hundred twenty affidavits. They’re not all public, but eight of them are,” Giuliani continued before laying out the claims made by four affiants alone.
They reported an incident that “under any other circumstances would have been on the front page of all your newspapers if it didn’t involve the hatred that you have, the irritation — pathological hatred — that you have for the president,” Giuliani said.
The former New York City mayor detailed their claims of a truck pulling up to the Detroit Center in the dead of the night, which they say was filled with ballots in garbage cans, paper bags, and cardboard boxes.
“The people thought [the truck] was food, so they all ran to the truck. It wasn’t food. It was thousands and thousands of ballots, and the ballots were in garbage cans, they were in paper bags, they were in cardboard boxes, and they were taken into the center,” he said.
Giuliani said the ballots were put on tables. At the time, “they thought all the Republican inspectors had left,” but two remained, as well as an employee of Dominion.
The affiants claimed that “every ballot that they could see, everything they could hear, these were ballots for Biden.”
“When they saw a ballot, these were ballots only for Biden, meaning there was no down ticket. Just Biden. Many of them didn’t have anything on the outer envelope because these ballots were produced very quickly, very swiftly,” he explained.
Giuliani added that those ballots are expected to be “a minimum of 60,000, maximum of 100,000” and said many of them were “triple-counted.”
“I didn’t see that. I don’t know that, but for the fact that three American citizens are willing to swear to it, and we’re not going to let them go to court and do that?” he asked:
We’re going to let this election go by when there are in this case 60 witnesses that can prove what I’m saying to you and other acts of fraud in Michigan? I mean, what’s happened in this country if we’re going to let that happen? What happened to this country if we’re going to cover that up? We let Al Gore carry on an election dispute longer than this one has been going on for one state.
The issue expands far beyond Michigan, he added.
“This happened in Pennsylvania. This happened in Michigan. Michigan probably, right now, if I count up the affidavits, just one case alone … the case we dismissed today because that case was attempting to get the Wayne County Board of Supervisors to decertify,” he said.
“Well, they did. They decertified. That case has 100 affidavits,” he said. Those allege the improper counting of ballots, people voting three and four times, as well as changing and backdating ballots “to the point of at least 300,000 illegitimate ballots that we can specifically identify.”
On Wednesday, two Republican members of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers in Michigan rescinded their votes to certify the election results, alleging harassment and bullying.
“The margin in Michigan was 146,121, and these ballots were all cast basically in Detroit, that Biden won 80-20. So you see a change as a result in the election in Michigan if you take out Wayne County, so it’s a very significant case,” Giuliani added.
What are the coronavirus symptoms?
Coronavirus infects the lungs. The two main symptoms are a fever and a dry cough, which can sometimes lead to breathing problems.
The cough to look out for is a new, continuous cough. This means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or having three or more coughing episodes in 24 hours. If you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual.
You have a fever if your temperature is above 37.8C. This can make you feel warm, cold or shivery.
A sore throat, headache and diarrhea have also been reported.
The majority of people with coronavirus will recover after rest and pain relief if needed.
If you are so breathless that you are unable to speak more than a few words you can call 911, as that is a medical emergency. Doctors may scan the lungs.
Patients with mild symptoms should self-isolate at home for at least seven days.
The proportion dying from the disease appears low (between 1% and 2%).
Coronavirus death rate: What are the chances of dying from Coronacovid?
6% become critically ill - lung failure, septic shock, organ failure and risk of death
14% develop severe symptoms - difficulty breathing and shortness of breath
80% develop mild symptoms - fever and cough and some may have pneumonia
The best thing for protection is regular and thorough hand washing, preferably with soap and water.
Coronavirus spreads when an infected person coughs or sneezes small droplets - packed with the virus - into the air. These can be breathed in, or cause an infection if you touch a surface they have landed on, then your eyes, nose or mouth.
So, coughing and sneezing into tissues, not touching your face with unwashed hands, and avoiding close contact with infected people are important.
People will be most infectious when they have symptoms.
Face masks do not provide effective protection, according to medical experts.
The President HAS ultimate authority over governors, mayors, police, sheriffs, legislators, and judges. That is why it is crucial, not critical, to re-elect Trump in 2020 instead of mean-spirited, quasi-senile, females-molesting, inferior-gender-VP-advocating, Ukrainian-extortionist, abortion-choice, reverse-gender-pronouns-demanding, Kenyan-Obama-endorsed Biden. Do not wear needless, silly-looking, scary face masks if you are healthy, and no mandatory medical testing of healthy persons is necessary, nor proximity farthering of less than 2 or 3 feet. Coronacovid flu can be spread indoors by infected sneezing, but 80% of transmission is done by disease on hands. is now in effect.
CDC says that 80% of infections conveyed by hands - not through fresh-air open fields nor by a lake.
The Archbishop here. To help maintain our phenomenally-expensive collection-plates-funded fleet of fighter jets and helicopters, available to view within on the Web, and pay for monthly recurring utility bills, my local church leaders throughout America and overseas require admission-similar mandatory donations paid by all non-essential CoronaCovid-infected anti-Christians seeking to enter our sanctuaries who plan on shortening Docial Sistancing (i.e. Proximity Farthering) anywhere from 3.6 to 5.9 feet, on a sliding income scale.
If an anti-Bible reviler earns $1 to $7000/yr, the amount of Entrance Contribution is $5/service w/macefask worn, if $7000 to $17000/yr, it's $10/service w/macefask worn, if $17000 and above, it's $20/service w_macefask on hand.
No refunds. No sneezing, nor handshaking except between spouses, nor hugging nor holy kissing except between spouses.
Only 7 blasphemers allowed in per church at a time, not including the Protestant or Evangelical Catholic pastor and musician in charge.
On Mondays, permitted in are those whose last names begin with A through C, on Tuesdays, D through G, on Wednesdays H through L, on Thursdays, M through Q, on Fridays, R through T, and on Saturdays, U through Z.
On Sundays, everyone intermingles with CoronaCovid carriers in some Walmart grocery store from 9 am to 12 noon only, or plays golf with embarrassing and silly-looking overreactive-paranoia-indicative no-contact macefask worn in vast-outdoor fresh-air open fields at all times.
Iris Scans can replace on-site urine testing and fecal analysis if requested. Bloody pricks are strictly forbidden, as always.
By the way, the following counsel will cost you the equivalent of $5.00 in labor of forwarding this message to at least 7 others on smartphone to help pay for my new nuclear submarine, aircraft carrier, attack helicopter, and F-18 fighter jet, if you're a real Christian . . . but an immediate $50 card payment if you are anti-Christian by VISA or MC, including Expiration Date and 3-Character Code.
Here goes:
Mandatory Antisocial Distancing (MAD) or Superstitious Proximity Farthering (SPF), silly-looking scary face masks (SLSFM), locked churches but open grocery stores?
And He [ Jesus, not she ] said to them, "You have a deviant way of rejecting the (open-churches) commandments of God to keep your Ridiculously-Presumptive-Contagion (RPC) tradition! Mark 7:9
But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than Paranoid Government Lockout and Mandatory Testing Persons (PGLMTP)." Acts 5:29
If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the universe, why do you live as if you still belonged to the world? Why do you submit to regulations: "Do not handle, Do not taste, Do not touch" - referring to things which all perish as they are used - according to human precepts and doctrines? These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting rigor of devotion and self-abasement and severity to the body, but they are of no value in checking the indulgence of the flesh, nor in countering the ridiculous overreactive Misconception of Significantly-Contagious Coronacovid in Open Air (MSCCOA). Colossians 2:20-23
Other than Texas and Florida, several states have issued sensible exemptions for religious events - states with limited numbers of coronavirus cases or even populations of older people.
Some presume the way to restart the economy is forced and involuntary urine, saliva, temperature, or blood testing to certify perfectly healthy individuals or even those exhibiting harmless sniffles or occasionsl sneezes related to seasonal or other allergies or involve some other cause(s) than specifically Corona flu (which type of flu the substantial majority have recovered from), before resuming employment.
However, each person himself or herself honestly and realistically knows if he or she is sick enough or getting sick enough to quarantine themself at home, and does not need a doctor, clinic, nor hospital to test nor inform them, nor wear a silly, ineffective, scary face mask in public, nor intermingle closely with Corona carriers in grocery stores on Sunday mornings instead of spacing themself out without hand-shaking, hugging, or kissing physical contact before and after sedately sitting in church pews.
All that's required to jump start employment is to unlock the buildings they've been working in before the overreactive Corona media hype caused a financially-devastating ridiculous lockout, and simply start working again - disregarding overreactive "medical experts" along with superstitious governors, mayors, media, and other tyrannical absurdly-paranoid deviates like them.
Follow cleanliness and segregation laws in the Torah (plus New Testament) and do whatever the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus directs you as to judicious public assembly and proximity, guided by not merely Peter's non-defiant Romans-13-counterbalancing assertion "we must obey God rather than man" but also the healthful non-reckless command: "Do not put the Lord your God to the test."
The correct (KJV-congruent) Scripture reading for Luke 23:42 is:
And he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when [ you come ] into [ your ] Kingdom.”
NOT the incorrect NIV:
And he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."
The vital word "Lord" must be used, as is also used in the (true) Scrivener Greek Text (1894) response of the infamous woman caught in adultery who exclaimed to Jesus: "No one [ has condemned me ], Lord."
Why the word "Lord" is missing is that the NIV (edited by avowed-lesbian pseudo-scholar Virginia Mollenkott) is based upon the significantly-corrupt Westcott-Hort (1880s) concocted Greek text (similar to the partly-corrupt Nestle Greek text) instead of Scrivener's inerrant Trinitarian Greek Text in orthodox tradition of pre-Scrivener genuine Bible-Text scholars Erasmus, Beza, Elzevir, and Stephens.
That is why the KJV is necessary for accuracy-check purposes, in spite of its outmoded archaic thees, thous, thys, which and that (referring to humans as objects not persons) and sometimes strange euphemisms (as for example KJV's "abusers of themselves with mankind" instead of "sodomites" [ Gr. arsenokoitai ] in First Corinthians 6:9).
The archaic word "ye" admittedly does have a non-singular plural "you" connotation, and the best replacement would be: "you all" or "y'all".
The NIV also has its rendition of First Timothy 5:14 wrongly worded, misusing the phrase "younger widows" instead of KJV's correct phrase "younger women" [ Gr. ne(o)teras ]. Logically, even though all younger widows are younger women, not all younger women are younger widows, so the two terms are not synonymous, and proper word choice is semantically and doctrinally crucial to preclude females from postponing-marriage fornicating instead of marrying.
The Greek word for "widows" [ ch(e)ras ] is not found anywhere in that particular verse in the Scrivener Greek Text (not even in the Westcott-Hort nor Nestle).
And the NIV is also in error in its use of the phrase "wash their robes" in Revelation 22:14 (based upon incorrect concocted Westcott-Hort and Nestle Greek text) instead of KJV's correct wording: "do His commandments"
(based upon the correct and inerrant Scrivener Trinitarian Greek Text).
3. Concerning, not regarding, the videoclip you showed me of the loose-long-haired (pornographically indecently-hairstyled) female who you intended to insert, reading a Scripture portion for your YouTube Tenebrae Good-Friday service, please omit her in your edited service, or tell her that there has been objection to what is considered her indecent hairstyle and ask her to re-record her Scripture reading while appearing either with a back-of-head ponytail, wearing an up-do, or wearing a hijab fully covering her hair.
Some RSV, NASB, ESV obviously-implied support for my non-mopheaded [ female back-of-head ponytail or updo ] request is as follows:
And the priest shall set the woman before the LORD, and unbind the hair of the woman's head, and place in her hands the cereal offering of remembrance, which is the cereal offering of jealousy. And in his hand the priest shall have the water of bitterness that brings the curse. Numbers 5:18
I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh--with the blood of the slain and the captives, from the long-haired heads of the enemy. Deuteronomy 32:42
Drink water from your own cistern, flowing water [ enjoy flowing loose long hair ] from your own well [ i.e spouse ].
Should your springs [ erotically-titillating mopheadedness ] be scattered abroad, streams of water in the (gutters)?
Let them be for yourself alone, and not for strangers with you. Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her nipples [ Heb ] fill you at all times with delight, be infatuated always with her love. Why should you be infatuated, my son, with a loose [ loose-long-haired ] woman [ not your own spouse ] and embrace the bosom of an adventuress? Proverbs 5:15-20
YOUR head [ MY bride ] crowns you like Carmel, and YOUR [ MY spouse's ] flowing locks are like purple; a king is held captive in the tresses. Song of Solomon 7:5
Judge for yourselves; is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not nature itself teach you that for a man to wear long hair is degrading to him,
but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory, because her hair is given to her for a covering. If anyone wants to be contentious [ about this ], we recognize no SUCH (not "no other") practice [ of allowing a woman to misregard her loose-long-haired mopheadedness as adequate for a head covering or veil ], nor do the churches of God. First Corinthians 11:13-16
I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling; also that women should have adorned themselves modestly and sensibly in decent hairstyle, armwear [ Second Samuel 13:18 RSV/NASB/ESV ], legwear [ Isaiah 47:1-4 RSV ], and socks-in-footwear [ Jeremiah 2:18-25 ] apparel, not with plaited hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing but by good works [ James 2:24-25 ], as befits women who profess religion [ Titus 1:16 ]. Have a woman learn in silence with all subjection. I allow no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent. [ First Timothy 2:11-15 ]
If your brother is being injured by your [ worldly rebellious or ignorant sexually-arousing mopheaded ] hairstyle, you are no longer walking in love. Do not let [ your irresponsible or careless irrationalizations-excused selfishly-insensitive pseudo-innocent silently-seductive ] wearing of indecent mopheaded hairstyle cause the ruin of one for whom Christ died. Romans 14:15
There is a silver lining for Sunday-thru-Saturday open-door grocery stores letting infectious Corona carriers in to intermingle for sometimes a few hours . . . while demanding churches be locked against mere one-hour visits by healthy Christians:
1. No genocidal church shootings
2. No noisy children disrupting church services, thus accommodating to applied implications of Isaiah 3:12.
3. No indecently-hairstyled inferior-gender sexually-assaulting/abusing with inconsiderately-selfish insubordinately-feminist-sexist mopheadedness and thus exhibiting, flaunting, and displaying themselves as porn-lookalike harlots on pews inciting to internet porn and even masseuse/escort harlotry.
4. No women reading Bible verses from the pulpit so as to not violate Song of Solomon 2:14, 1st Cor. 14:33-38, and 1st Tim.2:11-15.
5. Less work for the church janitor.
6. More retained in wallets instead of going into collection plates of those who incessantly mouth the mantra of God accepting everyone in unconditional love no matter what they do and have done - including shoplift stealing at Walmart, running red stoplights, running over pedestrians in corner crosswalks, rifle sniping Jews just for fun, blaspheming the Holy Spirit, and rejecting Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior.
7. No fear of touchy-feeley stuck-in-a-habit goofs mindlessly doing dangerously-disease-spreading handshaking and/or hugging for greeting or well-wishing meeting or farewell.
Now, non-essential loose-long-haired mopheaded news-media anchoresses and reporteresses are next to sequester and quarantine with indefinite extreme social distancing. And that virtually is done very easily with TV remote control Mute and Channel Change buttons.
There is a crucial misunderstanding and superstitious presumption (not assumption) rampant among many in the global (and even medical) community about who is contagiously infected (and infecting) with Corona, and who is not contagiously infected (and infecting) with "COVID-19, 20, 21, and 24". We all, healthy or unhealthy, carry every disease known and not known to inflict or capable of inflicting humankind (not mankind).
But we whose immune system is strong enough to overcome any and all detrimental bacteria and viruses, preventing us from succombing to such, are not in any way infectious transmitters or carriers of whatever which others, with weaker immune systems, come down with or contract. The latter, and only them, are the ones who are the infectious carriers of aberrant disease phenomena.
For example, someone who has recently exhibited trembling or dizziness with chills, obviously is repeatedly coughing or sneezing and snotting, is and in the process of being, an infectious carrier and transmitter. It behooves such an active (contagious) carrier and transmitter to wear a face mask in public, but better yet, remain at home in bed to recuperate in self-treatment against (not of) this media-hyped but quite-treatable type of flu realistically no more severe nor unusual than any other type of common flu.
It is ridiculous to allow whoevers of questionable health and reputation come into close proximity with others for a couple hours in a grocery store on Sunday morning, but close church doors to sensible health-minded Christians on Sunday morning who would have spaced themselves out in pews (after hand sanitizing) for an hour with no physical contact afterwards. What IS this? Communist China or Leninist/Stalinist Russia where church gatherings are forbidden? Even Soviet KGB/SVC is not that irreligiously repressive. It is currently too cold to have open-tent church meetings outside.
Now for some Divine Laws - not mere federal, state, or city suggestions:
1. Try to attend church on Sunday morning: . . . not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:25
2. To essentials you trust, without face mask:
Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you. Romans 16:16
All the brethren send greetings. Greet one another with a holy kiss. 1 Cor. 16:20
Greet one another with a holy kiss. 2 Cor. 13:12
3. Have clean hands and a pure heart:
And the LORD said to Moses, "Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments." Exodus 19:10
If a man lies with a woman and has an emission of semen, both of them shall bathe themselves in water, and be unclean until the evening. Leviticus 15:16-18
When they go into the tent of meeting, or when they come near the altar to minister, to burn an offering by fire to the LORD, they shall wash with water, lest they die. Exodus 30:20
They shall wash their hands and their feet, lest they die: it shall be a statute forever to them.. . . and to their descendants throughout their generations." Exodus 30:21
4. Keep distance from and do not touch a woman:
And he said to the people, "Be ready by the third day; do not go near a woman." Exodus 19:15
Now concerning the matters which you wrote. It is well for a man to not touch a woman. 1 Corinthians 7:1
Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, nor participate in another man's sins; keep yourself pure. 1 Timothy 5:22
What deeply concerns many is not the reasonably remote chance of them getting recuperation-probable Corona flu, but of overreactive paranoid city and state and federal government bureaucrats along with demonically superstitous (sometimes face-mask-wearing) sheeple imposing not simply needless but arbitrarily-determined, indefinite, extremely insensitive, ridiculously overbroad, and highly inconveniencing quarantine and lockout mandates, restrictions, and regulations, especially involving loss of employment and income to pay recurring monthly expenses.
Trump said that HE does NOT plan to wear a face mask during finite Corona propagation, and said that the CDC advice for Americans to wear one is NOT law but instead is merely VOLUNTARY.
State Governors, City Mayors, TV anchors and reporters, clergy, etc. must have the same mindset, being that Divinely-enlightened and wisely-knowledgeable Presidential Federal control over Congressional control is the highest civil and military authority in the United States.
Reasonable public interpersonal non-contact and proximity spacing, handwashing, hands and fingers away from face, sneeze diversion, and other good sleep and food and exercise hygiene are quite adequate to lessen contagious spread of Corona in especially enclosed confines.
With sensible exceptions, do NOT wear face masks in public to not frighten essential people, to not make them dangerously apprehensive, suspicious, confused, and disruptive -- as if the mask wearers, psyched and brainwashed into superstitious and overreactive paranoia by exaggerated and subversive media hype, have infectious Corona themselves and are irresponsibly and ineffectively trying to not pass it on . . . instead of respectfully and logically simply quarantining themselves in isolationist seclusion.
What deeply concerns many is not the reasonably remote chance of them getting recuperation-probable Corona flu, but of overreactive paranoid city and state and federal government bureaucrats along with demonically superstitous (sometimes face-mask-wearing) sheeple imposing not simply needless but arbitrarily-determined, indefinite, extremely insensitive, ridiculously overbroad, and highly inconveniencing quarantine and lockout mandates, restrictions, and regulations, especially involving loss of employment and income to pay recurring monthly expenses.
Trump said that HE does NOT plan to wear a face mask during finite Corona propagation, and said that the CDC advice for Americans to wear one is NOT law but instead is merely VOLUNTARY.
State Governors, City Mayors, TV anchors and reporters, clergy, etc. must have the same mindset, being that Divinely-enlightened and wisely-knowledgeable Presidential Federal control over Congressional control is the highest civil and military authority in the United States.
Reasonable public interpersonal non-contact and proximity spacing, handwashing, hands and fingers away from face, sneeze diversion, and other good sleep and food and exercise hygiene are quite adequate to lessen contagious spread of Corona in especially enclosed confines.
With sensible exceptions, do NOT wear face masks in public to not frighten essential people, to not make them dangerously apprehensive, suspicious, confused, and disruptive -- as if the mask wearers, psyched and brainwashed into superstitious and overreactive paranoia by exaggerated and subversive media hype, have infectious Corona themselves and are irresponsibly and ineffectively trying to not pass it on . . . instead of respectfully and logically simply quarantining themselves in isolationist seclusion.
One of the incentives for obeying the "do not go near a woman" of RSV's/ESV's Exodus 19:15 and "avoid loose (especially indecently-hairstyled loose-long-haired) women" of Proverbs 5-7 and even the "good to not touch a woman" of KJV's First Corinthians 7:1 is that the inferior gender are more inclined to visit a doctor or clinic when they think they feel sick, are getting sick, or are sick, and thus vastly increase their chances of being declared corona positive -- resulting in more media scare hype of plague pandemic plus getting themselves and a whole bunch of other people who they have ever been near mandatorily quarantined and so greatly and needlessly inconvenienced.
Amazing the number of disallowed-to-sit-stay-and-dine high-five/wrist-or-elbow-bumping people congregrating at close range for take-out inside some MN restaurants, Wal Marts, gas station convenience stores -- none of whom maintains perfect 6' anti-social distancing with checkout clerks. Most, by far, do not wear surgical masks, so obviously the blessed majority are not either stupidly gullible to superstitiously believing overreactive media hype, nor irrationally paranoid.
Strange, none of us non-masked are dead yet, or even feeling or getting sick. What happens in May when snow and cold are, and stay, gone and people eat on outdoor patios in open air? They can do all things through Christ who strengthens them. Maybe walk in or on water with skis behind speedboats.
The closing of indoor dining restaurants, indoor-transaction banks, is overreactionary and not necessary. I neither lip-kiss, cheek-kiss, hug, nor even shake hands with behind-the-counter cashier tellers I transact with, nor even kiss or fondle other patrons therein. Handshake, maybe, if I know them, but which I usually don't.
ALL THIS 6' ANTI-SOCIAL DISTANCING IS UNSETTLING, especially as to essentials:
Let your fountain be blessed [virile without VD], and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely
deer, a graceful doe. Let her nipples fill you at all times with delight, be infatuated always with her love. Proverbs 5:18-19
Oh that you would kiss me with the kisses of your mouth! For your love is better than wine. Song of Solomon 1:2
As an apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among young men. With great delight I sat in his shadow, and his "fruit" was sweet to my taste. Song of Solomon 2:3
Scarcely had I passed them, when I found him whom my soul loves. I held him, and would not let him go until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her who conceived me. Song of Solomon 3:4
You are stately as a palm tree, and your breasts are like its clusters. I say, I will climb the palm tree and lay hold of its branches. Oh, may your breasts be like clusters of the vine, and the scent of your breath like apples. May your kisses like the best wine that smoothly goes down softly over lips of sleepers. I am my beloved's, and his desire is for me.
Song of Solomon 7:7-10
. . .you, parting your feet, spread your legs . . . Ezekiel 16:25
. . . breasts were pressed and . . . virgin nipples squeezed. Ezekiel 23:3
Greet one another with a holy kiss. . . Romans 16:16
All the friends send greetings. Greet one another with a holy kiss. 1 Corinthians 16:20
Greet one another with a holy kiss. 2 Cor 13:12
Greet all the friends with a holy kiss. 1 Thess. 5:26
Hitler's Speech (English captions)
Hitler's Speech (French captions)
Other Hitler Speeches
The following segment has been posted in both and in on the Web.
Updated 6 February 2020
Demoncrats fail to mention that the word "impeachment" in the minds of many Americans means "removal from office". Such incorrect "guilty" inference is exacerbated by the impeachment-related word "acquittal" occurring in Trump's case, in which Trump ADVISED not "pressured" Ukraine.
But the term "impeachment" followed by "acquittal" in the minds of the savvy and discerning does not imply nor infer "impeachment" in the sense of "removal" but instead mere ACCUSATION, as in any trial where the defendant is not simply not convicted nor merely pardoned (if acquitted unless the case is deemed frivolous and thrown out of court) perhaps on a Technicality, but instead did not actually do what he or she was accused of.
This understanding of "impeachment" NOT being equivalent to "removal" is enhanced by the words "impeachment TRIAL".
"Impeachment" and "Impeachment Trial" are obviously not synonymous. Thus, the legal term "impeachment" is simply the same as "removal ATTEMPT" or ACCUSATION with INTENT to REMOVE".
For the last time, Trump did NOT "pressure" Ukraine but merely ADVISED them. In stark contrast, Joe Biden certainly DID pressure Ukraine to call off the Ukrainian Prosecutor investigating Biden's criminality-corrupt Burisma son Hunter, or else - with clearly reprehensible non-jesting high-crime impeachable extortion - threatened (in cohoots with Obama) to withhold $1B in foreign aid.
The devilish network media conniving hand in hand with certain satanic in government have fleshed out another Scripturally-described shenanigan of "following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who is now working in the [children] of disobedience (Ephesians 2:2) . . . by deliberately timing the culmination of the wait-after-Xmas-to-patronize-christians Trump Impeachment Trial (and with collusion from propagandizing anti-Trump network media), to fully convince everyone to immediately remove the [purported] imminent-threat-against-America President . . . to therefore promptly follow with aggressively attending and participating in the DEMOCRAT Caucuses in Iowa, New Hampshire, and so forth - again - having successfully brainwashed
non-decided voters, [supposedly] now convinced of the purported dastardly insane criminality, corruption, and wickedness of Trump, to enthusiastically go to DEMOCRAT caucases and thus thereafter become diehard Democrats no matter even if DINO-despised but overwhelmingly-popular Bernie Sanders comes out ahead.
However, they did not expect that overwhelming pro-Trump anti-impeachment defensers would fight back so intensely that to-be-acquitted/now-acquitted-and -exonerated,Trump is now nearly a saint in the minds of non-decided voters compared to diabolically-unfair deviously-dishonest hatefully-biased House demoncrats and their political-candidates ilk.
Instead of brainwashing non-decided voters with lying and defamatory taxpayer-money-wasted propaganda to turn against Trump and his GOP, backfire is happening eventually causing many voters to vote instead in the GOP caucuses.
One of the underpinnings of demoncrat objection against the perfectly-acceptable long-standing Presidential policy perogative choice to take reasonable time to analyze time-period-limited foreign aid to fundamentalist-islamic Lenanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and even formerly/still-partially-corrupt? Ukraine to discern if American taxpayer funds were and are being wasted . . . is Demoncrat fear that dishonorably-discharged, stripper-impregnator/deserter, drug-addict, secretively-subversive, belligerent-creep Hunter Biden (who was quasi-"legally" funneling U.S. foreign aid funds and perhaps American military weaponry acquired from and to money-laundering Ukrainian gas company Burisma and maybe some of such to the anti-Ukraine Russian Federation and Chinese communists, in addition to pseudo-"legally" funnelling much of it into Joe Biden's campaign coffers against Federal Election Commission rules) was going to get his and his dad's American-taxpayer-money Ukrainian foreign aid fast enough to suit their proven-extortion-history-record, self-serving special interests.
Trump, in tandem with those having legitimate immunity because of national-security-based and Constitutional Executive Privilege, refused (but NOT "defied") illegitimate House-committee subpoenas - illegitimate because the full House did not vote on them, because subpoenas were not taken to Court for enforcement decisions, and because noTrump Counsel cross-examination was allowed by the
House committee.
Perhaps Trump should not have specifically mentioned the Biden name associated with Ukrainian corruption in Trump's transcripted phone call to Ukrainian President Zelensky, and had Trump not done that, Romney might have voted differently on the first impeachment-attempt article. Mitt did not need to cross the crucial line, however, in expressing his objection concerning his final Trial vote on the Abuse article of impeachment attempt, but made up for it by his correct vote on the Obstruction article of attempted impeachment.
Our President calling James Comey a sleazy dirty cop should realize that the same James Comey, at crucial timing right before the 2016 Election, publicly announced re-opening criminal FBI investigation against national-security-endangering emails-goof Hillarius, thus tilting the 2016 Election in Trump's favor. The importance and effect of that public announcement by Comey must not be pooh-poohed nor marginalized. Asssuredly, demoncrats consider that announcement by Comey a dire disasterous mistake by the ridiculing-Trump Comey.
Trump's weakness is pandering not only to sexist-feminist inferior gender, but also to homogay perverts like Buttgag, both of which could conceivably undue him and his, come the Election of November 2020. The atrocity of homosexuality is not a frivolous insignificant trifle, especially in campaigning and government. Strong feelings against homosodomites can and will affect voter decisions, and not merely of genuine Christians throughout America. America in general is not ready, nor should ever be willing, to vote for a relugious male pervert who admits to having a cock-sucking, penis-in-rectum First-Lady "husband."
Too bad that Trump also advocated empowerment of inferior-gender filth with sexist and racist remarks in his patronizing/pandering-all SOTU Speech, like referring to religious agitators Marty King and Harriet Tubman. And, he did not specifically thank Jesus Christ, but only referenced "god" - whoever the Hail that can be construed to purportedly be.
Leave it up to homodeviate finaglers to purport Buttgag won Iowa when Bernie got slightly more popular votes. Homoperverts are expert at cooking books and forcing people to do what they never intended to do, do not want to do, who are not the homoeffeminate/homosodomite supporters who lying, deceitful, deceptive homoqueers claim they are.
In voters' initial candidate preference at the Iowa caucuses on Monday night, Sanders had 24.7 percent, or 42,672 votes, and Buttigieg took 21.3 percent, or 36,718 votes.
In voters' reallocated preference, Sanders had 26.5 percent, or 44,753 votes, and Buttigieg had 25 percent, or 42,235 votes in the Iowa vote.
Buttgag paid Groundbase/Shadow to screw things up on Iowa caucus night, in cohoots with Krista Davis who worked with Google for eight years as a software coding tech and was part of Hillary's 2016 campaign under the direction of Tara McGowan who worked for the Obama campaign in 2012. No wonder that Iowa comm director Mandy McClure had such a red face in her photo. Nahum 3:13 applies: "Hey, your troops are women in your midst. The gates of your land are wide open to your foes; fire has devoured your fortresses."
Pelosi ripping a copy of Trump's articles of impeachment or objection to pro-feminist pro-racist parts of his SOTU speech, during which speech she infrequently applauded and even stood at times while clapping was quite telling, as she later commented on such action done for cordial politeness in appreciation for Trump not touching her hand in erotically-titillating handshake, concordant with the the RSV rendition of Genesis 26:11 and Second Corinthians 6:17 plus the KJV translation of First Corinthians 7:1.
Trump would do well to omit such flippant vulgarities as "hell of a" and "damn" etc. in his public professional speeches. His use of the words "great, smart, incredible" is noted and non-use of the words "awesome," "shit," "ass" and "God" or "Christ" or "Jesus".

God bless Mitch, Jay Sekulow, Patrick Philbin, Pat Cipollone, Alan Dershowitz, Herschmann, and all those who voted against needless additional witnesses callup in the Trump Impeachment-Attempt Trial . . . but concerning 49 other confused, illogically-contradictory, biased, fearful, willfully-misled, rebelliously-delusional, perhaps maliciously-hateful demmie senators who wanted to excruciatingly drag out the Trial for weeks imposing needless additional witnesses, correct and encourage them to be brave and wise enough to side in pro-President Repubbies and acquit Trump on Wednesday to gain the favor of the LORD and His myriad saintly voters - to ensure their reelection when the time comes. Shame on sadistic Schumer for overbroadly condemning the entire Senate, including himself, for the subversive homopervert/abortionist-based aye votes, (reminiscent of Satan being indiscriminately and dishonestly overbroad against Eve in the Garden), which Senate accusators overlooked the infamous well-publicized video obviously displaying the impeachworthy extortion of anti-national-security-endangering Joe Biden threatening vital $1M-Ukraine-American-aid deprivation unless the Ukrainian Prosecutor was fired for investigating Biden's criminal Burisma son Hunter.
Some informative Trump-Trial-related videos:
It is not impeachable to delay or even curtail American military aid to corrupt entities in Lebanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan, or especially Bidens-Burisma Ukraine, irregardless of Joe's VP or 2020-candidate status, especially concerning videotaped extortion threats of thus impeachable Biden against Ukraine - and such was NOT "inappropriate" despite what brainwashed cowardly-wimp RINO senators claim.
Chief Justice Roberts really got a comprehensive education (thanks especially to brilliant-counsels Pat Philbin, Jay Sekulow, Alan Dershowitz, etc.) presiding in the Trump Impeachment-Attempt Trial. A wealth of imaginatively creative and vital information he acquired, which will be of immense value if the Supremes take up any frivolous anti-Trump cases imposed to the High Court.
$M-aid-withholding-extortion-threat-for-Hunter-by-Joe brushed aside, like Non-Hawaiian/Kenyan-born Obama seeking high-crime-bribe sweetheart deal from Putin's Medleved -- so they all breathed a sigh of no-witnesses relief. For now. Only the beginning. Much more to come. God bless Patrick and Jay and Dershy.
View on the Web. Saints voted for Rommy and Ryan instead of Bammy and Biden in 2012. Glad we did. So are they. Bern 'em all Sandy, all the way to Nov.
Because House subpoenas, needless to have been imposed because of ample-enough witnesses testifying during House deliberation, unusually not voted upon by the full House at the time, denying Trump Counsel cross-examination, thus rightly rejected by Trump Counsel, were not taken to court by House prosecutors-not-Senate-"managers" within reasonable pre-Articles-issuance time for enforcement verdict, thus they were and remain invalid and cannot be reininstated nor validated retroactively.
Maxine Waters was defiantly and corruptly wrong when she blattered that "impeachment is whatever Congress says it is. There is no law". Actually, no one or group is above constitutional law, including Congress -- excluding, in certain situations and circumstances, regarding a Higher Law from God and those acting on God's behalf, with non-stoppable authority to so act established by overwhelming non-hinderable Acts of God by and through either one and both.
"Abuse of Power" and "Obstruction of Congress" per se are not impeachable offenses, unless accompanied by enumerated and specific criminal-like misbehaviors of actual destruction-against-America high-crime/misdemeanor-thus-treasonous national-security-destroying bribery, extortion, etc. which have deliberately and maliciously been committed not "performed."
Such impeachment-articles accusations are therefore baseless in the case of Trump, who simply took reasonable time within congressionally-designated deadlines to evaluate if American aid to islamic-terrorists-harboring Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and particularly criminal-Bidens-manipulating Ukraine was and is being wasted against domestic and international best interests. It is irrelevant, though acceptably coincidental, that Bidens happened to get in the way and be involved with corruption suspicion involving the Ukrainian investigation.
The Trump-Trial-Related Whistleblower
It is SATANIC to state that God WANTS to send most people to Hell, but RIGHTEOUS to instead state that God WILL send all to Hell who hate, despise and disobey Him, His obedient saints, His authority, His Law, and His Redemptive Son.
In the future, when Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Bidens, swamp news media, and similar anti-Trump subversives are resurrected out of Hades, condemned by God in Final Judgment, and forever consigned to airless suspension while eternally tormented with outer-darkness invisible flames, they will continue to rant accusations against innocent Trump being guilty of non-impeachible articles, but thankfully no one will ever hear them.
The following segment has been posted in both and in on the Web: contains the following clip (with helpful adjustments):
Trump said that Schiff “actually took words and made it up.” That’s correct. Schiff did not give Trump’s exact words — a verbatim transcript isn’t available. Nor does Schiff give the exact words in a White House-released whistleblower/IG-discovered-but-maligned Trump phone call, which was based on notes and recollections of staff.
Schiff said in his opening statement, and in TV interviews, that Trump had asked Zelensky to “make up” or “manufacture” dirt on Trump’s potential 2020 opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden. That’s not accurate. Trump asked Zelensky to investigate, not provide false information.
Shiff's parody of the Trump phone call to Zel:
"We’ve been very good to your country, very good. No other country has done as much as we have. But you know what? I don’t see much reciprocity here. I hear what you want. I have a favor I want from you though. And I’m going to say this only seven times so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand. Lots of it. On this and on that. I’m going to put you in touch with people, not just any people, I am going to put you in touch with the attorney general of the the United States, my Attorney General Bill Barr. He’s got the whole weight of the American law enforcement behind him. And I’m going to put you in touch with Rudy. You’re going to love him. Trust me. You know what I’m asking. And so I’m only going to say this a few more times. In a few more ways. And by the way, don’t call me again. I’ll call you when you’ve done what I asked."
But Schiff’s parody was outright false, as even Schiff partly acknowledged, in saying: “And I’m going to say this only seven times so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand. Lots of it. On this and on that.”
The Memo does not show Trump saying anything about “seven times,” nor does President Trump ask Zelensky to “make up dirt” on Biden.
We asked Schiff’s office how he could claim that Trump had asked Zelensky to “make up” or “manufacture” dirt on Biden. That’s not in the Memo of the call, which only says Trump asked Zelensky to “find out what happened” and “get to the bottom of” CrowdStrike and “the server” and told the Ukrainian president that “a lot of people want to find out about [the Bidens] so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.”
Accursed-liar and Hell-destined Patrick Boland, a deceptive spokesman for Schiff, dishonestly told us: “The Ukrainian government has already completed an investigation into this matter,” referring to the Bidens, “which resulted in no charges or allegations of wrongdoing." And as a result, any further investigation undertaken under pressure from the president and his agent would be to tarnish and manufacture dirt on a political opponent."
That’s embodies Schiff’s twisted lying misinterpretation, which the anti-Trump network news media reiterated and mouthed nationwide as irrefutable impeachable fact.
Trump also hasn’t “admitted” to “pressuring” Zelensky, Schiff said on CNN.
Schiff’s dramatic parody does not jive with the White-House-Transcript Memo of the call when the parody errantly states that Trump allegedly said: “By the way, don’t call me again. I’ll call you when you’ve done what I asked.” Trump did not say anything like that, according to the White-House-Transcript Memo. Instead, the memo shows Trump telling Zelensky: “Whenever you would like to come to the White House, feel free to call. Give us a date and we’ll work that out. I look forward to seeing you.”
Schiff did not purport that his deceitfully-fabricated lying summary of the call was true. He weasel-worded at the beginning of his remarks, “Shorn of its rambling character and in not so many words, this is the essence of what the president communicates.” And finally, he added, “This is in sum and character what the president was trying to communicate with the president of Ukraine.”
We’d recommend readers take a look at the full White House memo, rather than relying on a prejudicially-partisan-based false-parody rendition of it:
Declassifed by Order of the President
September 24, 2019
SUBJECT: Telephone Conversation with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine
Notetakers: The White House Situation·Room
July 25, 2019, 9:03 -9:33 a.m. EDT Residence
The President: "Congratulations on a great victory. We all watched from the United States and you did a terrific.job. The way you came from behind - somebody who wasn't given much of a chance - and you ended up winning easily. It's a fantastic achievement. Congratulations."
President Zelensky: "You are absolutely right Mr. President. We did win big and we worked hard for this. We worked a lot but I would like to confess to you that I had an opportunity to learn from you. We used quite a few of your skills and knowledge and were able to use it as an example to our elections - and yes it is true that these were unique elections. We were in a unique situation that we were able to
achieve a unique success. I'm able to tell you the following: the first time you called me to congratulate me when I won my presidential election, and the second time you are now calling me when my party won the parliamentary election, I think I should run more often so you can call me more often and we can talk over the phone more often."
The President: [laughter] "That's a very good idea. I think your country is very happy about that."
President Zelensky: "Well yes, to tell you the truth, we are trying to work hard because we wanted to drain the swamp here in our country. We brought in many many new people. Not the old politicians, not the typical politicians, because we want to have a new format and a new type of government. You are a great teacher for us and in that."
The President: "Well it is very nice of you to say that. I will say that we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing and they should be helping you more than they are. Germany does almost nothing for you. All they do is talk and I think
it's something that you should really ask them about. When I was speaking to Angela Merkel she talks Ukraine, but she doesn't do anything. A lot of the European countries are the same way so I think it's something you want to look at but the United States has been very very good to Ukraine. I wouldn't say that it's
reciprocal necessarily because things are happening that are not good but the United States has been very very good to Ukraine."
President Zelensky: "Yes you are·absolutely right. Not only 100%, but actually 1000% and I can tell you the following: I did talk to Angela Merkel and I did meet with her. I also met
and talked with Macron and I told them that they are not doing quite as much as they need to be doing on the issues with the sanctions. They are not enforcing the sanctions. They are not working as much as they should work for Ukraine. It turns out that even though logically, the European Union should be our biggest partner but technically the United States is a much bigger partner than the European Union and I'm very grateful to you for that because the United States is doing quite a lot for
Ukraine. Much more than the European Union, especially when we are talking about sanctions against the Russian Federation. I would also like to thank you for your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. Specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes."
The President: "I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike. I guess you have one of your wealthy people, the Server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you are surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you said yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance - but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it
if that's possible."
President Zelensky: Yes, it is very important for me and everything that you just mentioned earlier. For me as a President, it is very important and we are open for any future cooperation. We are ready to open a new page on cooperation in relations between the United States and Ukraine. For that purpose, I just recalled our ambassador from United States and he will be replaced by a very competent and very experienced ambassador who will work hard on making sure that our two nations are getting closer. I would also like and hope to see him having your trust and your confidence and have personal relations with you so we can cooperate even more so. I will personally tell you that one of my assistants spoke with Mr. Giuliani just recently and we are hoping very much that Mr. Guliani will be able to travel to Ukraine and we will meet once
he comes to Ukraine. I just wanted to assure you once again that you have nobody but friends around us. I will make sure that I surround myself with the best and most experienced people. I also wanted to tell you that we are friends. We are great
friends and you Mr. President have friends in our country so we can continue our strategic partnership. I also plan to surround myself with great people and in addition to that investigation, I guarantee as the President of Ukraine that all the investigations will be done openly and candidly. That I can assure you."
The President: "Good, because I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing: there's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it. It sounds horrible to me."
President Zelensky: I wanted to tell you about the prosecutor. First of all, I understand and I'm knowledgeable about the situation. Since we have won the absolute majority in our Parliament, the next prosecutor general will be 100% my person, my candidate, who will be approved by the parliament and will start as a new prosecutor in September. [He...] will look into the situation, specifically to the company that you mentioned in this issue. The issue of the investigation of the case is actually the issue of making sure to restore the honesty so we will take care of that and will work on the investigation of the case. On top of that, I would kindly ask you if you have any additional information that you can provide to us, it would be very helpful for the investigation to make sure that we administer justice in our country. With regard to the Ambassador to the United States from Ukraine as far as I recall . . .she was a bad ambassador because I agree with you 100%. Her attitude towards me was far from the best as she admired the previous President and she was on his side. She would not accept me as a new President well enough."
The President: "Well, she' s going to go through some things. I will have Mr. Giuliani give you a call and I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call and we will get to the bottom of it. I'm sure you will figure it out. I heard the prosecutor was treated very badly and he was a very fair prosecutor so good luck with everything. Your economy is going to get better and better I predict. You have a lot of assets. It's a great country. I have many Ukrainian friends, they're incredible people."
President Zelensky: "I would like to tell you that I also have quite a few Ukrainian friends who live in the United States. Actually last time I traveled to the United States, I stayed in New York near Central Park and I stayed at the Trump Tower. I will talk to them and I hope to see them again in the future. I also wanted to thank you for your invitation to visit the United States, specifically Washington DC. On the other hand, I also want to ensure you that we will be very serious about the case and will work on the investigation. As to the
economy, there is much potential for our two countries and one of the issues that is very important for Ukraine is energy
independence. I believe we can be very successful and cooperating on energy independence with United States. We are already working on cooperation. We are buying American oil but I am very hopeful for a future meeting. We will have more time and more opportunities to discuss these opportunities and get to know each other better. I would like to thank you very much for your support."
The President: "Good. Well, thank you very much and I appreciate that. I will tell Rudy and Attorney General Barr to call. Thank you. Whenever you would like to come to the White House, feel free to call. Give us a date and we'll work that out. I look forward to seeing you."
President Zelensky: "Thank you very much. I would be very happy to come and would be happy to meet with you personally and I get to know you better and am looking forward to our meeting and I also would like to invite you to visit Ukraine and come to the city of Kiev which is a beautiful city. We have a beautiful country which would welcome you. On the other hand, I believe that in September we will be in Poland and we can meet in Poland hopefully. After that, it might be a very good idea for you to travel to Ukraine. We can either take my plane and go to Ukraine or we can take your plane, which is probably much better than mine."
The President: "Okay, we can work that out. I look forward to seeing you in Washington and maybe in Poland because I think we are going to be there at that tlme."
President Zelensky: "Thank you very much Mr. President."
The President: "Congratulations on a fantastic job you've done. The whole world was watching. I'm not sure it was so much of an upset but congratulations."
President Zelensky: "Thank you Mr. President Bye-bye."
End of Conversation
The only chance that demoncrats have for competing against Trump in the 2020 Election is James Comey - shrewd, handsome, knowledgable, diplomatic, no-porn-background, no vulgar-words speeches, nor braggidosio ranting, open to suggestion and public opinion - not naively gullible, fair-minded, sensibly moderate not a scurrilous combative feminist-sexist twit like a Lizzy Warren nor a Klobutcher, nor like quasi-senile and hot-tempered, females-fondling, Ukrainian-criminality-accomplice Biden, nor religious homoqueer with sodomite First-Lady "husband" Buttgag, nor like wild-socialism-extremist, tax-everyone-into-bankruptcy old codger Sanders, nor hoodwinked by rich-boy belligerent wannabe amateurs like Bloomberg and Steyer.
Demmies like Comey because he funds democrats and his wife voted Hillarius, and RINOs like Comey because he tipped the 2016 Election in Trump's favor by justly re-opening FBI investigation against emails-goof Hillarius after he had previously closed it.
Including tit-for-tat witnesses during the Trump Senate Trial possibly causing such witnesses to go to courts to nitpick who can answer what of whatever is supposedly relevant during the Trial could drag the Trial on up to the Nov 2020 Election.
Back in 2014 and thereafter, under Obama and his VP Joe Biden, Ukrainian Prosecutor Shokin, who was investigating the Ukrainian-gas-company-Burisma's money-laundering owner and associate in such deviance Hunter Biden, was ordered by the president of Ukraine to stop investigating money-laundering shenanigans of Burisma's owner and Hunter Biden because of Joe Biden who threatened to withhold a huge amount of monetary aid to Ukraine to defend themselves against Russia unless the Ukrainian President forced the Ukrainian Prosecutor Shokin to stop investigating money-laundering shenanigans of Hunter Biden, and as a result said Prosecutor, under extortion, did not do his prosecutory job and consequently was fired and removed from office.
Trump asked new Ukrainian President Zelensky to check that out, especially concerning 2020-candidate Joe Biden abusing his VP power by imposing withheld-Ukrainian-funding extortion to protect his son Hunter engaging in illegal and criminal Burisma money laundering - not directly intended to enhance Trump's own 2020 campaign nor necessarily degrade Biden's, but simply investigate and help thwart illegal corruption for the sake of American national and global security and stability.
Trump and his righteous are like a bobbing cork on the high seas: they cannot be submerged but constantly pop up above the surface of turmoil. As to scurrilous, prejudicially-partisan, baseless impeachment articles delivered by House demoncrats, majority Republican senators will manage them and any anti-Trump "witnesses" in ways and to the extent that nefarious and hate-Trump so-called House-demoncrat "managers" (actually: manipulators, including subversive, Hell-destined, fake-"catholic," feminist-brat/twit Pelosi) never imagined.
Such satanic democrats will beg those in authority that their humiliation be not drawn out for days with retaliatory delay by managing GOP senators in charge.
So, according to hate-Trump, brat-twit, sexist-feminist, demonic-subversive Pelosi, Trump suffers and will suffer the reputational stain of always having been impeached (but of course without approval of the Senate part of Congress) -- sort of like the infamous quasi-equivalent forever-impeached stigma against Christ, but in His case resulting in lethal crucifixion rather than mere wannabe removal from office.
And in Christ's unfair and injust situation, culminating in resurrection and eternal indestructibility, not simply re-election and term-limited four more years in charge. Hence, that part of the Creed: " . . .and he was impeached under Nancy Pelohsy Pilate, defamed without shame, and was exonerated on the Third Day."
But perhaps the real Pilate, unlike Pillohsi, had enough retrospective sense of true constitutional justice ("I find no fault in Him") to wreak righteous holocaustic vengeance upon jealous, disbelieving, anti-patriotic, lynch-mob House demoncrats (along with their Nazi-propaganda-reminiscent news media and PAC cohorts) by ravaging their re-election chances in the Election of 70 A.D.
The House-demoncrat-appointed prosecutors are NOT Trial "Managers" who manage Senate Rules and Verdicts. They are merely anti-Trump Accusators (i.e. Prosecutors) who do not "manage" the Senate, nor "manage" Roberts, nor "manage" the parliamentarian, nor "manage" the Rules, nor "manage" the Verdict.
It was Joe Biden who imposed extortion of withholding aid to Ukraine unless the Ukrainian president told the Ukrainian prosecutor to lay off investigating the Bidens for financial crimes . . . but it was Trump who gave Ukraine the aid on time.
Actually, it was Joe Biden who withheld the funding against Ukraine until or unless the Ukrainian President (who Trump legitimately phone-chatted with) fire a Ukrainian prosecutor for investigating Hunter Biden for pseudo-"legally" transferring income which Hunter, acquired from Hunter's do-nothing job at a Ukrainian gas company, to indirectly fund Joe Biden's 2020 re-election campaign, deceptively but pseudo-"legally" violating the FEC's no-foreign-money funding rule.
Certainly, Trump was in no way "obstructing" the House democrats part of Congress (obviously not "Congress" being that House demoncrats are only part of Congress) by understandably using legitimate presidential authority to ignore non-court-ordered accusatory inquiries by said House demoncrats, including Pelosi relatives who are said to also have financial involvement in aforementioned Ukrainian utility.
Burisma, a Ukrainian energy firm, is at the heart of the impeachment accusations against Trump probing into criminality of the Bidens.
In a phone call in July 2019, President Trump suggested to Ukrainian President Zelensky that he do an investigation into Burisma along with the corrupt and devious Bidens. Such phonetalk-suggestion action by Trump was not directly intended to puff Trump's own 2020 campaign nor harm Biden's, but simply was Executive duty to protect national security interests of the United States.
President Volodymyr Zelensky has demanded that Iran punish those responsible for the downing of a Ukrainian airliner.
Tehran admitted Saturday that it accidentally downed the Ukraine International Airlines (UIA) plane, killing all 176 people on board on Wednesday, shortly after launching missiles at bases hosting US forces in Iraq.
Rouhani said Tehran "deeply regrets this disastrous mistake".
Iran said that someone in their military had mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian plane killing all 176 people aboard and voiced its deep regret, after initially denying it brought down the aircraft in the tense aftermath of Iranian missile strikes on U.S. targets in Iraq.
Canada had 57 citizens on board.
Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif wrote on Twitter that “human error at time of crisis caused by U.S. adventurism led to disaster,” citing an initial armed forces investigation into the crash of the Boeing 737.
An Iranian military statement, which was the first to indicate Iran’s U-turn, said the plane had flown close to a sensitive military site belonging to the elite Revolutionary Guards.
It said that, at the time, planes had been spotted on radar near strategic sites which led to “higher sensitivity within air defense systems”, adding that responsible parties would be referred to a judicial department in the military.
Iran claimed a missile operator opened fire on the Boeing 737 because his communications jammed and he thought he had to take out an incoming missile.
Hundreds of Iranian protesters demanded Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei step down on Saturday after Tehran admitted that its military had mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian plane, killing all 176 people on board.
If you vowed to never see a movie again because the star or the director’s political views don’t align with yours, there’s a good chance you’ll never see a movie again.
There are probably quite a few “Star Wars” fans out there who will vote for President Trump in 2020. Most probably don’t love that Han Solo himself, Harrison Ford, is an anti-Trump political know-nothing. But those people will push through anyway because they love the saga.
Well, if that’s the case and you are one of those people, you’re going to have to do the same thing with Rey, portrayed by Daisy Ridley. She thinks if you support Trump you are literally insane.
McConnell signed on to a resolution from Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., to allow for the dismissal of articles of impeachment if the House doesn’t transmit them in 25 days. That change to Senate rules can happen.
Republicans have the leverage, with a slim 53-47 Senate majority, as McConnell rebuffs Demoncrat demands for testimony and documents. But subversive satanic demoncrats have used the delay to sow public doubt seeds about 'fairness" of the process as they try to coerce RINOs for upcoming votes. It takes 51 GOP-majority senators to set the rules.
On a July telephone call with Ukraine’s new president, Trump asked his counterpart to open an investigation against the Bidens who held up military aid for Ukraine. A Ukrainian gas company had hired Hunter Biden when his father was vice president and the Obama administration’s point man on Ukraine. There is ample evidence of wrongdoing by both Bidens.
McConnell has said there will be “no haggling” with House Democrats over Senate procedures and said that "it would be fine with me” if the House never sent the articles.
The delay on impeachment has upset the demoncrat political calendar, with the Trial now expected to interfere into presidential Democrat nominating contests, which begin in February.
“I know exactly when” to send the impeachment articles over, Pelosi said. “I won’t be telling you right now.″
Pelosi, presuming that she is in charge of the Senate, demanded to see “terms of engagement” that McConnell will use.
The House attempted to impeachTrump concocting the charge that he suggested that Ukraine’s Zelenski investigate financial criminality the defiant Bidens imposed depriving $400 million in military assistance against Ukraine unless Zelenski fired anti-Bidens criminal prosecutor, leading to additional hateful charges of Trump allegedly obstructing the House Demoncrats part of Congress.
The crux of the Democrats’ case is the allegation that Trump made a suggestion to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to launch an criminal investigation against former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden for conspiring to withhold funding to Ukraine unless Zelensky fired the Ukrainian prosecutor doing the anti-Bidens investigation, and that shady Biden was receiving foreign funds, through Hunter, to fund the Biden 2020 Election, violating FEC rules.
Because House demoncrats brought no one to court for disregarding harassive and hate-based House subpoenas, witnesses need not be allowed to speak during Senate Impeachment-Articles Trial.
By a Simple Majority, McConnell can reaffirm that no witnesses be allowed to speak during the Trial, but impeachment decision can be decided strictly and merely on the already-public text, as written, of the House demoncrat Impeachment Articles against the President, purporting that the President of the United States is an immediate, insane, filthy and incredibly obscene, treasonous danger to national security, especially after executing a hideously-malevolent iranian ISIS organizer verifiably planning to mass murder Americans worldwide.
Trump is now the third U.S. president to have accusatory Articles of Impeachment imposed on him, this time by subversively-partisan House demoncrats.
Impeachment Articles do not cause a President to be officially impeached unless the Senate agrees to Impeach the President by removing the President from office, mandating that the Vice President becomes President.
Majority Republicans in the U.S. Senate had introduced a Resolution that would change Congressional Rules to allow them to Dismiss Articles of Impeachment not expeditiously sent for Trial in the Senate.
Republican Sen. Josh Hawley (Mo.) defended the Resolution in a statement, saying that the founders did not envision the eventuality of the House Speaker refusing to send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate within Reasonable Period.
"The Constitution gives the Senate sole power to adjudicate Articles of Impeachment, not the House," Hawley said in the statement.
. . . and determine Reasonable Period duration Time Limit for officially conveying Articles of Impeachment to the Clerk of Senate.
"If Speaker Pelosi is afraid to try her case, the articles should be Dismissed for Failure to Prosecute and Congress should get back to doing the people's business," he added.
The Resolution allows 25 days for the House to send Articles to the Senate after impeachment vote.
After that, a Simple Majority will vote to Dismiss the impeachment vote "with Prejudice for Failure by the House of Representatives to prosecute such Articles."
For further elaboration, explore on the Web. Also:
Copy the following URL, paste it into your browser URL box, and launch for more analysis
There seems to be a consensus among Pelosi, House Demoncrats and their many subversive supporters nationwide that Trump should be "officially?" impeached but not removed from office.
It is reminiscent of the self-deluded/self-deceived mindset Lucifer and his angelic demons had in vainly attempting to dethrone the LORD - the Devil presuming that he could through deviousness and fear, get the allegiance of Michael, Gabriel, and other holy angels and holy beings in Heaven, and cause the LORD to get discouraged, voluntarily resign and get off His throne.
Here are assumptions:
1. Trump will not be voted for removal by majority Senate Republicans in a Trial, so do not expect anything but the inevitable.
2. If Trump was removed, thus completely and truly Impeached then removed from office, no-immoral-background, non-vulgar-talking, monogamous, anti-abortionist, pro-Israel/anti-"palestinian" Pence would automatically take over, appoint a like-minded Vice President replacement thus keeping House Speaker Pelosi distant from taking over as President, and would be more severe against homogays and homosodomites, feminist sexist, and more.
3. If Trump was removed on the hateful, non-substantial grounds of current House-demoncrat Articles of Impeachment, there would be a huge national backlash igniting nationwide Republican activism never before seen, plus shamed Democrats defaulting into overwhelmed fearful lethargy in Election Year 2020, causing the House to flip from Democrat blue to Republican red, with the Senate even more firmly getting into Republican control, plus Trump reelected for another four years in a landslide victory.
4. Simply staying with the threat of officially conveying House-demoncrat Impeachment Articles to the Clerk of Senate, which conveyance would most likely result in Impeachment Dismissal or Acquittal by majority Senate Republicans, might be enough, with constant daily diabolical satanic network news media assistance, to eventually convince a majority of American voters to regard Trump as horrendously worse and more insidious than Adolf Hitler so that they vote for anyone except him in November of 2020.
Let's preface this by stating that if James Comey had not been adversely coerced and deceived by subversive Obomanites Loretta Lynch and Debbie Wasserman, he never would have participated in letting his FBI impose anti-Trump false collusion gossip into the FISA court.
The highlight of the 2020 pre-Iowa-Caucus Dem Iowa Debate was stating and answering the question: "CAN a woman become President?"
Liz Warren vs Bernie Sanders
There is an obvious difference between an incapacity-inferred "could not" and a predictive or prophesied "will not."
Bernie agreed with the debate moderator's wording of "could not" although Bernie probably meant "will not" instead of "could not."
Use of the word "can" instead of "should" is typical satanspeak weaselwording indigenous to Hell-destined demoncrats and their demonic news/commentator media propagandists. Reminds me of my days in grammar school when were taught the difference between "can I" implying ability or capacity, contrasted with "may I" implying permission -- entirely different concepts snd phenomena.
So, for the sake of correct and proper semantics, the question of "SHOULD a woman become President?" remains.
Because not enough states in America ratified, within the DOJ-designated time limit, the misworded "sex" instead of "gender" proposed ERA amendment, it has not been added to the Constitution, but can be re-submitted later on.
That legally gives a NO! answer to the topic question.
However, the sexist and also misworded "sex"-not-"gender" 19th Amendment remains, which hopefully will soon be repealed by an additional Amendment like the anti-liquor 18th Amendment was understandably repealed, being that it wrongly disallowed alcoholic beverage use instead of prohibiting overuse drunkenness. So that legally makes for a YES answer to "CAN a woman become President?"
But what is the Judeo-Christian (even islamic) basis of American law and government about allowing or instead forbidding and prohibiting a woman to become President of the United States?
Such Scripture as: not-one-qualified-woman-among-a-thousand Ecclesiastes 7:26-28, tyrannical-women-and-brat-children-are-oppressive Isaiah 3:12, women-soldiers-cause-devastation Nahum 3:12-13, men-are-the-authority-head-over-women 1st Corinthians 11:1-16 (KJV), women-must-be-quiet-in-church 1st Corinthians 14:33-38, no-woman-allowed-to-rule-over-men women-must-be-submissively-silent 1st Timothy 2:8-15, and women-are-the-weaker-gender-and-to-be-treated-as-such 1st Peter 3:7 obviously apply, both in micro and macro context without time period limitations or facetiously-manipulated relevance as to inception, source, and culture.
Mueller did not exonerate Trump NOR criminalize Trump. He could only have indicted, not exonerated, the sitting President, but did not indict Trump. Exoneration can only be done by jury and judge. Not indicting Trump constitutes a determination of guiltlessness and innocence.
Campaigning by Russian-ethnic native-born Americans for Trump and against Hillarius did not and does not constitute "election interference" nor does Trump's expression of disgust against a wasted witchhunt constitute "obstruction of justice."
What constitutes election interference is disrupting voters voting, misrepresentative shenanigans by ballot counters and tampering with ballots, letting illegals or underaged vote, etc.
The recent adversarial grilling of Mueller by resentful demoncrats still sobbing and incredulously shocked regarding Hillarius losing the 2016 Election was a failed attempt to get cautiously-responding Mueller to insinuate or infer that pro-Russian-Orthodox-Church/Russian-culture American-citizen "internet trolls" (such as me) are felony-imprisonment-deserving criminals who supposedly "interfered with the Election" thus guilty of "obstructing justice" by us "troll's" Bible-sourced non-partisan-intentioned political-campaign activism for the honorable Donald Trump and against the dishonorable feminist-sexist anti-national-security goof Hillarius, and that Trump allowed it and even coerced and/or paid off the Russian Government under Putin and the KGB to forcibly demand and enforce such pro-Trump/anti-Hillarius Scripture-based involvement or political activism from aforementioned native-born-American-citizen Russian-culture-supportive "internet trolls."
( or James Comey, FBI-retired )!

James Comey and Gov. John Bel Edwards vs Donald Trump and Mike Pence
as competitive Presidential candidates for the upcoming vital 2020 Election:
Decent Public Female Hairstyles

American voters will sympathize for the Donald against the many hate-based dipshit sources of the vicious barrage of irrelevant accusations against Trump when they are at the ballot boxes for the 2020 Election. As long as enough national Christians have some even meager money, the satanic droves of the diabolically demented will be decimated.
So what IF Trump has a savings account with the National Bank of Moscow Russia? Rubles are valuable. As is Chinese gold. And what does it matter IF Putin, in the name of the Kremlin, funded thousands upon thousand of Trump's "Make America Great Again" baseball caps at Trump's request
Feel younger by:
Trusting Jesus and obeying His Word
Going to church on the weekend
Getting plenty of sleep
Eating and drinking nutritiously
Not masturbating to porn
Working to pay bills on time
Never getting drunk and not smoking
Avoid associating with deviates
Getting married, birthing, and raising kids.
Nothing is unconditional concerning not regarding humans who occasionally or frequently disobey God's Word.
Demon-eyed Pelosi's "prayer" would be an abomination to God, and His saints - as it says in the Bible. Both she and hateful Schumer are satanic legalistic obstructionist hypocrites - straining at a false-conspiracy gnat and swallowing a treasonous camel. They need to take the subversive logs out of their own eyes.
Stay with Windows 7 and do not upgrade to Windows 10, unless you like trouble.
Nice to hear that the non-President portrait of some inferior-gender racist-niggar agitator will not be replacing President Andrew Jackson's picture on the $20 bill. Once again, feminist sexists have rightfully been put down, and patriarchy has triumphed, in part by our blessed Commander in Chief who wisely and righteously obeyed Solomon's proverb: "Leave the presence of [fools Pelosi and Schumer], because there you do not meet words of wisdom." Schumer's plan to fund infrastructure by burying people with taxes is diabolical.
Queers we anti-H.R.-5 Christians (and muslim imams with orthodox-Jew rabbis) punish according to Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:18-28, and First Corinthians 6:9 . . . but women we do not punish -- only restrain, per Deuteronomy 32:42 (RSV), Ecclesiastes 7:26-28, Isaiah 3:12, Nahum 3:12-13, First Corinthians 11:1-16 (KJV) & 14:33-38, First Timothy 2:8-15 & 5:14 (KJV), and First Peter 3:7.
Not much is known about the physical characteristics of Hell. It certainly is in fact quite different than what is heretically and mythically portrayed in such movies as "Hellboy."
Scripture does reveal this about "what no eye has seen nor ear heard nor the mind of humans imagined against those who hate God"
(the reverse of:
But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of humans conceived, what God has prepared for those who love Him. - First Corinthians 2:9):
Then the king said to the attendants, "Bind him hand and foot, and toss him into the Outer Darkness; there [those therein] will [inaudibly] weep and gnash their teeth." Matthew 22:13
And [the stingy rich man] [in Hades] called out, "Father Abraham, have mercy upon me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in anguish in this Flame." Luke 16:24
"And besides all this, between us and you a great Chasm has been fixed, so that those who would pass from here to you are not able, and none go from there to us." Luke 16:26
They shall suffer the punishment of eternal destruction and exclusion [away] from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His might... Second Thessalonians 1:9
...and the Devil who had deceived them was thrown into the "Lake" of Fire and Brimstone where the Beast and the False Prophet were, and they will be tormented [continuously] forever. Revelation 20:10
So, Hell, according to Scripture, will be a phenomenon of total blackness (like being down in a deep cavern with no lights) in [the abyss of] an invisibly-flaming "lake"-like environment, eternal torturing suspended, completely-isolated, and inescapable resurrected bodies of the damned, who [in non-glorious airlessness] are continuously having their burning but ever-renewing supernatural flesh being painfully consumed.
At-birth gender, congenital disabilities, skin-color race or ethnicity, are intrinsically benign things one has no choice about, thus in a category by themselves pertaining to situations of understandable discrimination or nondiscrimination.
However, sexual orientation is a freewill conscious choice, and deciding to make the evil choice to be homosexual must never be considered a human nor civil right, and pairing of homosodomites is never deemed Marriage but instead is mere Bonding.
There is no record of homosexuals marrying nor being married in the entire Bible, in contrast to many instances of both legitimate and illegitimate heterosexual relationships therein.
There is nothing wrong using the term "Negro" or Negroes" as there is nothing wrong with the word "Caucasians" or "Asian".
Both words "fuck" and "niggar" are controversial and questionable, offensive to some, but NOT to all, the former of which is a sexual word used to describe copulative coitus involving heterosexual connection and insertion of genitals, and the latter of which is used to describe a deficient-in-some-way Negro.
Not all Negroes are "blacks" like those typically from Nigeria, because most are dark brown, except for their pink soles.
Constantly-turbanized but divorced Ms Omar should be questioned as to whether sharia executions in Brunei against impenitent repeat-offender lesbians and adulteresses should occur.
Comey vs Trump in 2020?
MEDIA: We see you are running for office. Will you support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, external and internal?
VLADIKOV: Sort of.
MEDIA: Elaborate.
VLADIKOV: The 19th Amendment is misworded. The term "sex" should have instead read "gender". As the anti-wine 18th Amendment was thankfully and Scripturally repealed by the 21st concordant with First Timothy 5:23, so the anti-patriarchal pro-sexist-feminist 19th Amendment must be repealed, in view of Ecclesiastes 7:26-28, Isaiah 3:12, Nahum 3:12-13, First Corinthians 11:1-16 and 14:33-38, First Timothy 2:11-15 and First Peter 3:7.
MEDIA: You a women-hating misogynist?
VLADIKOV: Obviously I have been happily married to an inferior gender for 25+ blissful years.
First Peter chapter 3 verse 7 describes the wife as the "weaker vessel" which, although that should not be interpreted as a fragile crockpot nor undesirable, worthless, or dangerous sex, but instead as the inferior gender.
Such a perceptive view on the rib considered not an adversarial nor competitive equal but rather a compliant cooperative helpmate from the original source is enhanced by similar ideological references elsewhere in Holy Scripture . . .
. . . such as Leviticus 27:1-5 informing us that female humans are worth less than men, Isaiah 3:12 lamenting women and children in charge, Ecclesiastes 7:26-28 telling us that you cannot find even one adequate woman among men, Nahum 3:12-13 reminding us that women combat soldiers cause disaster, First Corinthians 11:1-16 establishing men not women as the head of the home, First Corinthians 14:33-38 ordering women to keep their mouths shut in church and even in government according to First Timothy 2:8-15, birthing children rather than murderously aborting them, thus avoiding doing two sins at once.
There is no such thing as "marital rape." The correct term is "sexual abuse" involving involuntary forced heterosexual contact.
Refer to on the Web.
Earth, and all physical phenomena within the entire Universe, are less than 10,000 years old
Let me give you examples of what I discern is a legitimate application of a seemingly ridiculous, absurd, even demonic and satanic exhortation of Christ to "love your enemies, do not resist an evil person, turn the other cheek, forgive 70 times 7, and similar apparently-insane injust-crap goofiness.
Jesus did NOT a demand unconditional forgiveness, but His full statement contained a crucial and vital ". . . if he repents . . . " clause.
To expound, if the person who sins (as Scripture defines it) against you continues to not repent, do NOT love nor forgive him or her - which is concordant with the Psalmist David who righteously exclaimed: "Do I not hate those who hate You, Lord? I hate them with perfect hatred."
And as Joshua stated in his book: "The LORD will not forgive your sins."
Those who blaspheme the Spirit will NEVER be forgiven, both in this age and in the age to come.
So watch your mouth, boy.
Never love, unless and until they say "I'm sorry" and thus repent. Hate and avoid within reasonable boundaries and legal limitations.
Regarding conflicts between me and my own inferior-gender wife, I am usually the one who initiates reconciliation, after which she fortunately complies. She is not deemed the inferior gender for nothing, in addition to her being more gullible to Satan's ploys like Eve was in the Garden as Paul stated in First Timothy 2:11-14.
Remember when Job's yuppie-status-craving wife told him to "curse God, and die?" I wonder what became of her, and when the LORD restored new offspring to him, was she involved?
At times I have said to my Christian wife: "Say I'm sorry...SAY it!" to which she knows I really mean and want it, and reluctantly, quietly - but thankfully - does say exactly that, thus saving the marriage.
A milder form of legitimate hatred advocated by the Spirit through Paul's New Testament epistles is "avoid such persons" "do not associate with them" and Solomon stating "Leave the presence of a fool" -- unless called by God, as Samuel was against Agag of the Amalekites, to hack him to pieces with a sword. Or shoot down the crazed jap kamikaze before he shoots you.
There is more. If you are ignorantly or carelessly doing something the Bible considers wrong, and someone reprimands or tries to correct you, and you thus consider him your enemy, it obviously behooves you to cut him some slack, be merciful and loving and forgiving, because you are to blame and in the wrong and so deserve godly criticism.
Remember, Master-Jew Christ Jesus was cruelly and torturously crucified (not merely harassed with Gaza-originated fireworks) - by jealous disbelieving jews (5000 of whom later repented at the brave preaching of St Peter) and by compliant wimpish antisemitic romans around Passover time, which is at least once a year (instead of every Sunday) when Holy Communion should be celebrated by Christians, according to whenever-not-"often"-frequency alluded to in First Corinthians chapter 11. Celebrate that bloody sacrificial atonement provided by Messiah with 7-not-9-candle menorahs.
Laura Loomer:
It is questionable, as far as I know, that CAIR-FL was the chief cause in convincing Twithead Dorsey to ban you on the media he owns and regulates.
I sympathize with you that because of your anti-terrorists anti-"palestinian" sensibility the consequence is that you are banned by Facelook, Twittie, or any other media outlet with dubious worthiness and usefulness.
However, as the jewish-activist Maccabees were not able to defeat the Roman empire 2000 years ago, you and yours are not able to completely squelch satanic opponents we all despise and legitimately hate and try to safely avoid as much as possible.
Remember what Jesus said when He warned that one should not begin to build a house he is not able to financially finish, nor meet an army of 30,000 while the opponent has only 10,000 troops.
Moreover (from 1st Corinthians chapter 6 in the New Testament of the Judeo-Christian Holy Bible, the text states:
6:1 Does any one of you, when he has a case against his neighbor, dare to go to law before the unrighteous and not before the saints?
6:2 Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? If the world is judged by you, are you not competent to constitute the smallest law courts?
6:3 Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more matters of this life?
6:4 So if you have law courts dealing with matters of this life, do you appoint them as judges who are of no account in the church?
6:5 I say this to your shame. Is it so, that there is not among you one wise man who will be able to decide between his brethren,
6:6 but brother goes to law with brother, and that before disbelievers?
6:7 Actually, then, it is already a defeat for you, that you have lawsuits againstone another. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded?
6:8 On the contrary, you yourselves wrong and defraud. You do this even to your brethren.
Laura, you are essentially forming your own equivalent of Facebook and Twitter in terms of publicity purposes. One can expect that from a zealous notable Jewish woman like you.
DRB (Icorigin)
You have heard that Facelook and Twittie have banned those not of the subversive Deep State deviant immentality, but you might not know that I notified Google News that I am banning them (no longer daily checking into them for headlines now that Drudge is not as available as it used to be) because of their repeated postings of mopheaded women accompanying many of their headline news stories, which slowly and subtly has defiled and incited me to finally seek worse porn, then ejaculatively self-sodomize (i.e. masturbate) to that.
So you might ask: "Maybe because of you telling them that they will no longer post any more indecently-hairstyled female-human pics with their news stories."
Fat chance about that!
But what if they actually DO repent by no longer and NEVER again post any aforementioned low-power female-pix porn with their news stories? How would I know if I do not check into them again?
How do I know if ANYONE really and truly changes PERMANENTLY for the better if I never again check into them after I have banned them?
Satan does not want you to know the answer, but I will give it to you, from the New-Testament book of Acts, chapter 9:
10 And there was a certain disciple at Damascus named Ananias. And the Lord said to him in a vision, “Ananias.” And he replied, “Hey, I'm here, Lord.”
11 And the Lord said to him, “Get up and go into the street which is called Straight, and inquire in the house of Judas for the one called Saul of Tarsus, because, hey, he prays
12 and has seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in and putting his hand on him, that he receives back his sight.”
13 Then Ananias answered, “Lord, I have heard from many of this man, and how much evil he has done to your saints in Jerusalem.
14 And here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call on your name.”
15 But the Lord said to him, “Go your way, because he is a chosen vessel to Me, to witness to My name before the Gentiles and kings and the offspring of Israel.
16 I will show him what great things he must suffer for My name’s sake.”
17 And Ananias went his way and entered into the house, and putting his hands on him said: “Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus who appeared to you on the way as you came, has sent me, that you receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit."
Jews are rightly commanded to eat Passover lamb, and it assuredly is a big thing with them. Lamb is meat. Paul said that the weak man eats only vegetables (and "weak" is more than one way, because "beef gives strength"). Ecclesiastes orders us to eat bread and drink wine with a merry heart, and Paul commanded us to "take a little wine for the sake of our frequent ailments." Sugar gives energy. Not aspartame, nor sucralose, nor saccarin.
So what's with Paul telling us to not eat meat nor drink wine "if it causes our [baptist or Rechabite] brother to stumble"?
Sounds like an obvious contradiction compared to the other verses?
A possible case-in-point scenario:
WEAK GUY: "I see you approve of menu items of ribs and wine. To me, that means you support gluttony and alcoholism. So if you order any ribs or wine while you're dining with me tonight here in this restaurant, I don't want to hear or listen to you telling me anything about Christ or the gospel."
YOU: As you wish, immature weak brother. Keep in mind, however, my Passover requirements when I am not not with you thus not then burdened with you and your restrictive legalism, and Biblical commands to make myself merry and healthy with moderate consumption of ribs and alcoholic beverages, which does not make me either a glutton nor drunkard."
And National Review, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, BBC, NPR, plus CNN are supposed to be the Judge about Franklin Graham's out-of-context statements and Trump's polygamy, dictating to us genuine and authentic Christians to despise Trump and not promote nor vote for him in 2020? Who the hell do they presume, not assume, they are? God's Divinely-inspired spokespersons, or Almighty God themselves?
Do they not realize that First Timothy 2:11-14, which thankfully kept Hillary out of the White House, overrides and triumphs over scurrilous satanic defamation from National Review, CNN, plus demonic operatives of FOX, Google, and the subversive ilk who puff them? Before and rather than stoning penitent anti-homogay anti-abortion-homicide King David for duressed adultery with ambitious exhibitionist Bathsheba, remember that, like God's righteous-and-blest executioner Phineas, he did cut off Goliath's head, saving all Israel.
And National Review, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, BBC, NPR, plus CNN are supposed to be the Judge about Franklin Graham's out-of-context statements and Trump's polygamy, dictating to us genuine and authentic Christians to despise Trump and not promote nor vote for him in 2020? Who the hell do they presume, not assume, they are? God's Divinely-inspired spokespersons, or Almighty God themselves?
Do they not realize that First Timothy 2:11-14, which thankfully kept Hillary out of the White House, overrides and triumphs over scurrilous satanic defamation from National Review, CNN, plus demonic operatives of FOX, Google, and the subversive ilk who puff them? Before and rather than stoning penitent anti-homogay anti-abortion-homicide King David for duressed adultery with ambitious exhibitionist Bathsheba, remember that, like God's righteous-and-blest executioner Phineas, he did cut off Goliath's head, saving all Israel.
The term "palestinian" is an antisemitic term concocted by Roman emperor Hadrian in demonic attempt to declare Holy Land ownership to Philistinians not Jews. The correct term to apply is: "anti-Zionists." The area in question is not "Palestine" but instead Judah and Samaria. The Jewish geneology of Jesus Christ is traced in both Matthew chapter 1 and Luke chapter 3 of the New Testament of the Sacred-66-books Holy Bible. This info will be copied and mass-emailed after sending it to Google. Refer to
It was one or the other.
No minority-chance Constitution Party alternative choice option for me this time, unlike in 1992, 1996, and anti-McCain/anti-woman-Palin 2012.
Either Playboy-cover twice-divorced? homo-tolerant Trump as obvious lesser of two evils, so to speak, and under the circumstances....OR ditsy, dishonest, sexist-feminist, dangerous, inferior-gender Hillarius, who would have been an absolute anti-Christianity/anti-Judaism disaster against America and wherever else -- worse than diabolically-hateful, pro-homo, pro-"palestinian", fake-"christian," Mombasa-born Barack Hussein Obama (notice that I did not call him "president" as I do not call same-gender couples "married," but instead, merely: "bonded").
Regarding, not "concerning," Negroes and slavery, I heard scuttlebutt that some of those who promised African Negroes good jobs in America and transported them to the southern USA were Negroes themselves. Also, being that many southern-USA Caucasian-but-not-necessarily-pale-anemic-white slaveowners were and yet are Christians (many continuing to vote for such men as 10-Commandments-promoting Alabama Judge Roy Moore), I suspect that most dark-skinned cotton plantation employees were treated rather well with job and living-conditions security by their owners following Old-Testament guidelines for slaves - NOT oppressive monsters many liars slanderously claim they were.
Lincoln's disruption of that got him shot, among other things such as his non-Biblical dislike of alcoholic drinks and who knows what else (remember JFK and Marty King), later culminating in the 1919 unbiblically-anti-wine 18th Amendment prohibition against stronger-than-grape-juice-of-1st-Timothy-5:23 (making questionable-quality booze-supplier Al Capone wealthy and famous), which misruling was subsequently and understandably repealed by the 1933-implemented 21st Amendment.
Nowhere in the entire KJV Bible is the word "race" found, but the word "seed" is used instead.
As far as skin color goes, both non-homoqueer thus reproductive Adam and Eve were like self-executing zipfiles, not craving homopervert humankind extinction, but having the potential of procreating different skin-colored progenie, depending upon ongoing genetic combination and relocation proximity at, near, or far from the equator with varying amounts of skin-tanning sunlight. And, of course, all ancestors of everyone on this planet descended off the Ark together onto a dinosaur-inhospitable Earth, with most dinosaurs previously drowned by the Global Deluge.
There is an interesting discrepancy between the at-least-good-Old-Testament RSV (which I was brought up with) and the KJV besides inclusion and omission of the nazi word "race", and that is found in Acts 17:26 where the RSV (and similar modern mistranslations) wrongly state the phrase "from one every nation of men" which (concordant with the inerrant 1894 Scrivener Trinitarian Greek NT Text) instead reads in the KJV "from one blood" (clearly inferring, among other things, that I can get a blood transfusion from a proper-blood-category male-or-female-all-are-one-in-Christ Negro or Asian).
Speaking of Greek NT texts, F.H.A. Scrivener, enraged by the spurious Greek text concocted by occultic Westcott and Hort in the 1880s, followed the previous scholarly Received-Text translations of Erasmus, Beza, Elzevir, and Stephens to synthesize his own Spirit-inspired one in1894, which I consider infallible, and which has never yet been revised, as is the Biblia Hebraica Masoretic Old-Testament/Tanach Hebrew Text of 10th-century-rabbi ben Asher.
As genuine Christians, we (regardless of denominational brands) support an interpretation of the Religion Clause of the First Amendment as follows:
"Congress shall make no law establishing anti-Biblical religion, nor prohibiting the free exercise of Biblical religion."
The 1920-incepted 19th Amendment is another one that needs to be repealed, in view of men-worth-more-than-women Leviticus 27:1-5, Ecclesiastes 7:26-28's not one women among a thousand is qualified, women-troops-are-military-disaster Nahum 3:12-13, Isaiah 3:12 bemoaning oppressive children and female rulership, a-husband-not-mopheaded-wife-in-charge 1st Cor. 11:1-16 (KJV), women-keep-their-mouths-shut-in-church 1st Corinthians 14:33-38 (islamic fundamentalists and orthodox Jews got that one OK), pro-childbirth/anti-abortion-homicide, no-woman skipper/captain/admiral in charge 1st Timothy 2:11-15, and weaker-gender-women-to-be-considerately-respected 1st Peter 3:7.
The latter is another reason the 19th Amendment needs to be repealed, in that the word "gender" should have been used rather than the term "sex". Was bestiality meant by "sex?" How about self-sodomizing masturbation? That is NOT a nitpicky trifle!
If that Amendment was repealed, it is questionable whether the menstruating-and-moody, gullible, illogical, non-creative-while-legalistic, wrongly-innovative inferior gender would yet be allowed to vote or run for general-public political office. It's effect would be that they would not be encouraged to do so, forcing would-be male homowimps to get off their lazy duffs and responsibly assume command.
You are correct, Dave, in that - like my Lutheran clergyman dad pointed out to me - we do not live in a theocracy here in America, but instead a pluralistic democracy, reflected in the wording of the First Amendment, which does not specifically establish not only denominational religions of Christianity (ranging all the way from non-purgatorial non-maryolotrous non-Apocryphal Catholicism to quasi-cultic "evangelical" flippant-arrogance/worry-free saved-by-grace-thru-faith-so-we'll-be-forgiven-if-we-occasionally-sin expressions . . . to Jesus-as-Messiah-rejecting Hell-rejecting judaism, mormonism, jehovahs-witnessism, buddhism, shintoism, yogaism, humanism, etc (and I am not sure if then how agnosticism and FFRF atheism fit in).
But that does not mean that we must not try to do all we can to make America a Judeo-Christian theocracy better than what Torah/sharia-executionary Islamic countries have engrained in their government law . . . as hopeless but expedient as that is.
Constantly-turbanized but divorced Ms Omar should be questioned as to whether sharia executions in Brunei against impenitent repeat-offender lesbians and adulteresses should occur.<
Comey vs Trump in 2020?
I have never met you, but from what your beloved spouse Eugene Delgaudio tells me about you, you certainly deserve to be described with acclamation, commendation, and appreciation with the words of Proverbs chapter 31 in the Holy Bible, and more.
Dealing with the sexual issue of perverted erotica, it is clear that Eugene has been given special opportunity and situation, called by the Lord, to direct everyone he can to proper reproductive and satisfying heterosexuality, and I gather that you have adequately provided for him in every way and continue to minister to him as effective and responsive helpmate as to all expedient things essential in that vital area of life. His love for you is quite evident.
The black vans? CIA surveillance protective service? Who knows. Constitutionally-minded police continue to efficiently and promptly "protect and serve" all law-abiding citizens.
Explore on the Web.
Also, and plus in addition.
May Christ Jesus continue to guide, protect, and bless you, your unique, well-known, greatly-respected husband Gene, and your children.
Please convey the acclamation I have here delivered to both Scott Lively and Peter LaBarbara, your famous worthy partners in anti-homosexuality intention. There are others, such as Franklin Graham.
It is not possible for you nor I nor anyone to fully comprehend the extensive and far-reaching benefit of your sacred service to all society until your Master in Heaven reveals that to you when in eternal glory with Him and His, forever removed from all Hell-incarcerated tempters and temptation, as promised in the book of Revelation.
I am thinking about running for Representative in 2020 claiming to be a democrat against Omar of the 5th Congressional District in Minnesota.
If they ask me if I support committing and not performing the sinful crime of abortion-murder infanticide, I will simply respond that son-of-Jacob/Israel Judah did, by commanding that pregnant Tamar with her womb babe be brutally torched, when it was told to him that his daughter-in-law Tamar (who he himself had inseminated presuming she was a streetside prostitute who she herself was pretending to be) was with "child."
Of course I might get majority vote, especially with my display of signs and stickers placed at the bottom of on the Web.
Rachel Held Evans = a cutesey pro-LGBT, sexist-feminist, anti-young-creationism, non-Christian/anti-Christian devil in disguise, and wolf in sheep's clothing -- wayward and rebellious subversive polluter against Christ's true church of real saints.
The sealing of married mormon heterosexuals bespeaks not of "till death do us divorce" but instead "eternally yours forever through all eternity".
[ courtesy of The Oracle of Sanapolis ]
I like the dollar menu.
Look at it this way:
Either they get a dollar from me.
Or they get nothing.
Their choice -- since there are other competitive fast-food outlets which yet have dollar menus, and will acquire me as a continuing customer and accumulate my individual dollars, instead of getting nothing from me.
And I have an internet mouth to tell at least 10 other people.
I notice that when inferior-gender management takes over, and raise prices in their greed, their businesses soon go out of business.
All for the unholy sake of promoting feminist sexist leadership.
Vote Trump - not some nationally destructive woman - in 2020.
First Peter chapter 3 verse 7 describes the wife as the "weaker vessel" which, although that should not be interpreted as a fragile crockpot nor undesirable, worthless, or dangerous sex, but instead as the inferior gender.
Such a perceptive view on the rib considered not an adversarial nor competitive equal but rather a compliant cooperative helpmate from the original source is enhanced by similar ideological references elsewhere in Holy Scripture . . .
. . . such as Leviticus 27:1-5 informing us that female humans are worth less than men, Isaiah 3:12 lamenting women and children in charge, Ecclesiastes 7:26-28 telling us that you cannot find even one adequate woman among men, Nahum 3:12-13 reminding us that women combat soldiers cause disaster, First Corinthians 11:1-16 establishing men not women as the head of the home, First Corinthians 14:33-38 ordering women to keep their mouths shut in church and even in government according to First Timothy 2:8-15, birthing children rather than murderously aborting them, thus avoiding doing two sins at once.
There is no such thing as "marital rape." The correct term is "sexual abuse" involving involuntary forced heterosexual contact.
Refer to on the Web.
Remember, Master-Jew Christ Jesus was cruelly and torturously crucified (not merely harassed with Gaza-originated fireworks) - by jealous disbelieving jews (5000 of whom later repented at the brave preaching of St Peter) and by compliant wimpish antisemitic romans around Passover time, which is at least once a year (instead of every Sunday) when Holy Communion should be celebrated by Christians, according to whenever-not-"often"-frequency alluded to in First Corinthians chapter 11. Celebrate that bloody sacrificial atonement provided by Messiah with 7-not-9-candle menorahs.
Remember, Master-Jew Christ Jesus was cruelly and torturously crucified (not merely harassed with Gaza-originated fireworks) - by jealous disbelieving jews (5000 of whom later repented at the brave preaching of St Peter) and by compliant wimpish antisemitic romans around Passover time, which is at least once a year (instead of every Sunday) when Holy Communion should be celebrated by Christians, according to whenever-not-"often"-frequency alluded to in First Corinthians chapter 11. Celebrate that bloody sacrificial atonement provided by Messiah with 7-not-9-candle menorahs.
Like deceptive and lying Satan in the Garden of Eden insinuating that ALL fruit from ALL trees should not be eaten, the statements of disdain and disgust from demonic perversion-loving media is deplorably overbroad by inferring that 99.9% of Earth's entire student, political, governmental, entertainment, and other population wants to stone the Sultan of Brunei for his strict morality and righteousness.
Such is reminiscent of what happened 2000 years ago on Calvary's Golgatha to similarly-righteous sinless and innocent You-Know-Who who, after being pseudo-"legally" murdered, got resurrected indestructible then ascended into Heaven and will someday return in truly-awesome power for catastrophic mass-annihilation vengeance at Armageddon.
Perhaps various LGBTQ perverts in the U.N., Amnesty, the State Dept, AP, Google, other pro-lesbian female perverts and their CNN, Facebook, Twitter, NY Times, Newsweek, etc and other satanic network media should interview sharia-loving hordes (about the Sultan's Torah-like laws) in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, plus 50+ more governments and myself -- this Leviticus 20:13-Torah-loving, Romans1:18-28 -&-1st-Corinthians 6:9-embracing Christian American author of (and a LOT more) on the Web.
Remember, all you Sultan-hating filthy-ass perverts, what Jesus said about plucking out your eye and cutting off your hand if it offends you. He, like the Sultan, meant it literally, contrary to arrogant belligerent denial by demented Hell-bound ecclesiastical heretics and naysayers.
Certain nefarious congressional and several other subversives want to destroy the Electoral College by any means necessary.
A group of Democrat Senators introduced a Constitutional amendment that would eliminate the Electoral College and protections it provides the American people.
That bill is supported by Senators Dianne Feinstein (CA), Dick Durbin (IL), and Kirsten Gillibrand (NY). Or, to put it another way, New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago infidels want to be able to decide the next president all on their own.
The same day the Constitution-altering amendment was introduced in the Senate, presidential candidate Robert "Beto" O'Rourke announced his plans to abolish the Electoral College.
Thirteen states have signed on to the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. That Compact is a diabolical attempt to circumvent the Constitution.
States that have passed the Compact are pledged to give all their electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins the national wrong-headed popular vote -- regardless of how many righteous in their own state voted!
That means that if California, New York, and Illinois throw their massive evil-craving populations behind only one candidate, all the Compact states will be obligated to give their electoral votes to that candidate... ...even when that candidate didn't win any of those other states.
The Founding Fathers devised the Electoral College as a way to protect the voices of smaller states. No matter how small, every state was given a choice in the process.
So why are the treasonous launching a three-pronged effort to abolish the Electoral College?
Because it would virtually guarantee that only wicked-agenda candidates will always elections.
For example, homogays know that the major urban areas of this country -- New York, L.A., Chicago -- are all hotbeds for their radical anti-heterosexuality-only ideology.
The Electoral College is the only shield America has left to protect the voices of the majority of states from being overpowered by only a handful of over-populated demented strongholds.
America was never intended to be a pure democracy, but rather a Democratic Republic not establishing anti-Scriptural harmful heretic religion while not prohibiting the free exercise of godly, sensible, Creator/creationist-congruent-and-compliant, orthodox and traditional religion.
Unfairly-discriminatory majority popular vote of the many on the broad and easy road to Hell against the fewer Heaven-bound on the difficult and narrow road was never intended to dominate.
The Electoral College has not overridden the power of all-inclusive fairly-apportioned majority vote: the Electoral College with its system of weighted votes has maintained justice.
Without the Electoral College, New York's, Chicago's, and L.A.'s immoral hordes would dominate this country, and that is not an empty threat.Ohio and Colorado have recently joined the "Popular Vote Compact."
The conditions of this Compact kick in once the member states account for a majority of electoral votes -- and the vast remainder of the country won't even get a say.
The entire election process would be hijacked. This end-run of our Constitution needs to be challenged in the courts.
President Trump needs to direct his DOJ to file a suit against the Compact in court. At the rate it's going, this could be in effect by the 2020 election.
All women must be made to understand the full sociological impact of RSV's and NASB's rendition of hair loosening in Numbers 5:18, sword-pierced-mopheads in Deuteronomy 32:42, flowing-locks eroticism in Song 7:5 (understood in private marital context), the no-mopheadedness-as-prayer-shawls implications of KJV's First Corinthians 11:14-16 -- besides the anti-feminist import of Isaiah 3:12, Nahum 3:12-13, plus First Corinthians 14:33-38 and First Timothy 2:8-15.
Partial contents of my wallet will now be diverted to the hotels of Brunei owned by the Sultan, whenever I can afford them, concordant with Leviticus 20:13. Romans 1:18-28, and First Corinthians 6:9-10.
Also, I will be buying Brunei-owned Shell gasoline, whenever BP is not available.
Obviously, I am not going to let shit-ass pro-homosexual perverts and their ilk dictate who I fund, subsidize, and support.
Why are Google, Fox News, and other "conservative" pundits paying so much attention to and publicizing, thus promoting, AOC - a demonic cutesy young bartenderess-turned-NY-legislator?
God's created phenomena are manifestations of His immutable sovereign will - benign and not coercing nor demanding anyone violates them - but silently saying: "You have to accommodate to me, not vice versa. You have to get out of my way, because I am not going to get out of your way. You must - not merely should - adjust to me, not me to you."
The cases of Jesus on a cross exclaiming "Father forgive them..." is incomplete without the remainder of what He said: "...they know not what they're doing..."
Similarly with dangerously-but-righteously-sarcastic Stephen who called the ones stoning him to death "...stiff-necked uncircumcised in heart...". who petitioned the Father to not blame whoever among the accomplice stoners was guilty of disbelief and of murdering himself by non-justified stoning.
Jesus did not proclaim forgiveness from the cross to nor for those pharisees who quasi-blasphemed-the-Spirit who He had called "blind fools" who would "not escape Hell," but instead for the righteous Son-of-God-acknowledging centurion and many in the stirred-up crowd incited and brainwashed by fake-news-propagating pharisaic slander, 5000 of which crowd later repented at the preaching of Peter.
And one who did repent in accord with Stephen's dying petition of mercy was none other than St Paul, who wrote half the New Testament and became a prisoner of and for the Lord because of the same type of accursed destined-for-Hell disbelievers who murdered both Jesus and Stephen.
No impenitent murderer has eternal life residing in him (or her), nor ever will have.
If someone ignorantly sins against you, turn the other cheek while, as much as possible, letting them know what their ignorant sin was.
If they then or eventually repent, forgive them, but until they do, consider them not only your enemy but also God's enemy, and respond with needed and proper hostility or alienation, not wimpish approval, as Scripture
Let me give you examples of what I discern is a legitimate application of a seemingly ridiculous, absurd, even demonic and satanic exhortation of Christ to "love your enemies, do not resist an evil person, turn the other cheek, forgive 70 times 7, and similar apparently-insane anti-justice-crap goofiness.
Jesus did NOT and does not require unconditional forgiveness, but His full statement contained and yet contains a crucial and vital ". . . if he repents . . . " clause.
To expound, if the person who sins (as Scripture defines it) against you continues to not repent, do NOT love nor forgive him or her - which is concordant with the Psalmist David who righteously exclaimed: "Do I not hate those who hate You, Lord? I hate them with perfect hatred."
And as Joshua stated in his book: "The LORD will not forgive your sins."
Those who blaspheme the Spirit will NEVER be forgiven, both in this age and in the age to come.
So watch your mouth, boy.
Never love, unless and until they say "I'm sorry" and thus repent. Hate and avoid within reasonable boundaries and legal limitations.
Regarding conflicts between me and my own inferior-gender wife, I am usually the one who initiates reconciliation, after which she fortunately complies. She is not deemed the inferior gender for nothing, in addition to her being more gullible to Satan's ploys like Eve was in the Garden as Paul stated in First Timothy 2:11-14.
Remember when Job's yuppie-status-craving wife told him to "curse God and die?" I wonder what became of her, and when the LORD restored new offspring to him, was she involved?
At times I have said to my Christian wife: "Say I'm sorry...SAY it!" to which she knows I really mean and want it, and reluctantly, quietly - but thankfully - does say exactly that, thus saving the marriage.
A milder form of legitimate hatred advocated by the Spirit through Paul's New Testament epistles is "avoid such persons" "do not associate with them" and Solomon stating "Leave the presence of a fool" -- unless called by God, as Samuel was against Agag of the Amalekites, to hack him to pieces with a sword. Or shoot down the crazed jap kamikaze before he shoots you.
There is more. If you are ignorantly or carelessly doing something the Bible considers wrong, and someone reprimands or tries to correct you, and you thus consider him your enemy, it obviously behooves you to cut him some slack, be merciful and loving and forgiving, because you are to blame and in the wrong and so deserve godly criticism.
God never forgives anyone who should forgive a penitent but does not forgive, and never requires anyone to forgive some impenitent person who does not deserve forgiveness.
God, the Ultimate Judge, does not forgive anyone who does not deserve to be forgiven, and that deserving forgiveness depends upon whether or not the one who sinned repents to God AND the one injustly offended. As the penitent prodigal stated: "Against heaven and against you have I sinned."
Keep in mind concerning (not regarding) sins under erotic duress of David with nude exhibitionist Bathsheba and the woman caught in adultery who Jesus conditionally did not stone that repentance was manifested by both, with consequences thereafter.
Recollect that Job's over-condemnatory counselors expressed penitence by probably petitioning Job to pray for them. Job, it is assumed, expressed penitence by then praying for them and confessing directly to the God of Creation, and Elihu never expressed repentance to anyone for anything, possibly being a Theophany, like the "man" who wrestled but did not overpower Jacob, like the "commander of the army of the Lord with drawn sword" for whom Joshua respectfully and obediently removed his sandals, and like the "Son of God" 4th person in Nebuchadnezzar's fiery furnace.
It is best, during Ramadan, to pray to the Lord, however many times, thanking the LORD, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel, for giving us His 66-books Holy Bible, written in Hebrew and Greek, and having the since-resurrected-and-ascended Son of God, Jesus Christ, die on a cross as sacrificial atonement for all who believe that - while occasionally fasting and having sex whenever, if necessary.
I heard rumors that anti-America/death-to-Israel islamic muslims rejoiced when, as anti-Jew "rep" Omar merely exclaimed: "someone did something" on 9 11 2001.
If she herself fearfully and shrewdly did not also exhibit exuberance or at least gladness, her cultic koranic close friends did, and she continues to be ashamed to publicly humiliate or embarrass them.
Is she not divorced, contrary to sharia law, and did she not mouth constitutional allegiance on a Qu'ran instead of a Christian Bible? Why the immodest non-long-sleeved-robed half-naked bare arms when interviewed by Colbert?
Those who voted her in are as anti-Scripturally, heretically, and subversively treasonous as she is.
Accusations have been spewed by scurrilous satanic revilers (destined, of course, for eternal punishment in real Hellfire, as substantiated in First Corinthians 6:9-10) that God and His righteous political/religious commentators are "racist, sexist/misogynist, homophobic, islamophobic," etc.
Each one named will be analyzed:
First, neither the word "Aramaic" nor the word "race" is anywhere in either Testament of the entire KJV Holy Bible. The word "seed" is used rather than "race". "Syriac" is present instead of "Aramaic." The word "seed" has nothing to do with skin color nor presence or absence of eyefolds. Faith-based genetic family geneology, however, is important, especially relating to Isaac-mocking inferior-Arab Ishmael (plus offspring) and Esau compared to superior Holy-Land-owners Isaac and Jewish Jacob/Israel (with progeny following).
Concerning "sexism," the holy ones definitely and rightly distinguish, differentiate, and discriminate as to comparison between human superior and inferior gender involving physical, mental, and spiritual capabilities and authority-structure designations (ref. Eccl. 7:26-28, Isaiah 3:12, Nahum 3:12-13, First Cor. 11:1-16 & 14:33-38, First Timothy 2:11-15, First Peter 3:7).
Eve, according to precise Genesis Text, was not created from Adam as an equal, but rather a helpmate, obviously implying subjection and assistance and cooperation, not domination nor even adversarial competition. Eve got us all into trouble, and Mary gave us the Son-of-humankind Potential to get us out of trouble. Hence, Old-and-New-Testament reference to the masculine-pronouned Trinity of Father, Son (of God, not Mary), and Holy Spirit (not mother, daughter, nor thing or force).
Neither the Lord nor His saints are afraid of (i.e have a "phobia" concerning not regarding) effeminately-"gay" and/or sodomite homosexuals, nor (cultic) islamic muslims. Rather, godly intention is either avoid or destroy them (gradually or suddenly), unless they repent with truly-Christian conversion.
Have a good testimony, especially during Ramadan's Lent, acknowledging inspirational revelation of the (Old-Testament) Tanach's Torah, Writings, and Prophets, during which prayers and fasting commemorating the sacrificial atonement of Pascal-Lamb [John 1/Colossians1/Hebrews1-credentialed ] Creator of the Universe Adonai Son of El Shaddai, manifested in the blood lineage of AHbraham, EEsock, and YAHkohb/EESS-rah-el and Jewish-not-AHrab [ not EESH-mah-el ] geneology of DAHveed (bear with my phoenetic Middle-Eastern-pronunciation spellings, if you will).
Upcoming annual Holy-week Passover preceding Resurrection Day, when we utter: "He HAS risen," is one "whenever" not "often" Communion Celebration the Spirit through St Paul advocated in His no-female-mopheadedness-as-prayer-shawls First Corinthians chapter 11 to seriously reminisce about our Holy-Prophet/High-Priest/King-of-kings "Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" [ Isaiah 9:6 ] -- the universally-revered Name of the Son of Him "who has the wind clenched in His (Divine) fist" [ Proverbs 30:4 ].
TO: Melania Trump
FROM: Icorigin
Modestly keep your glorious loose-long-haired mopheadedness in an up-do chignon or single back-of-head ponytail whenever in general public camera view, concordant with implications of RSV's Numbers 5:18, Song of Solomon 7:5 (in private marital context), and KJV's First Corinthians 11:14-16 in the Holy Bible. Sometimes anti-Israel/pro-"palestinian" AOC and especially virulent-antisemite Omar (perhaps bald underneath her head rag) cannot be cited for improper hairstyle.
I thought that Edward Snowden exposed covert info that a lot more than Assange is alleged to have revealed.
Tucker on Fox said that Assange (like James Comey) helped prevent Hillarius from becoming President in 2016.
Trump himself is said to have said that he loved Wikileaks, yet does not want anything to do with commenting about Assange.
So if Assange is indicted and convicted, it almost goes without saying that he should be pardoned.
So the Clintons-inspired Obama DOJ instigated the Mueller-witchhunt fake news that Trump supposedly conspired with Putin against Hillarius! Putin's Russians had more sense than to support a sexist-twit goofball crip like Hillarius. Poor James Comey - caught in the middle - but thank God that he reopened criminal investigation against Hillarius just before the crucial 2016 Election so that she lost.
Jeff Bezos has millions more than all demoncrat fundraisers combined. Zuckerberg is too busy censoring orthodox fundamentalist decency with his closed-system Facelook-tyrant operatives, as is the case with Twitter management (I obviously use neither).
Besides, let the prez-candidate demoncrats with their little piggy-bank amounts waste money on anti-Trump video, photo, and print media ads which brave and courageous non-naive male-majority voters, counters, and ballot transporters will never see.
One little cheap pro-Trump laser pen can blind the eyes of the richest bullies, or a swift kick in the nuts or shins momentarily cripple even the most powerful Hitllerian Obominite when it really matters. A cheap single BB from a non-firearm BB gun on demoncrat windshield glass can temporarily and perhaps fatally disorient a politically-demented pilot or driver, and an inexpensive tube of Crazy Glue can temporarily, seriously, and crucially thwart the locks of even the most diabolical and deplorable demoncrat devils. Flat tires happen.
A bag of angry hornets tossed into an anti-Trump conference room can work diversionary wonders, and a vicious barking dog or nude female streaker entering in gets the attention of satanic demoncrats while pro-Trump righteous slip by and do their thing.
A single-stamp snailmailed $5 contribution to Trump is better than a stampless $20, $50, or $100 gift to some democrat politician with no return address on the envelope. Pro-Trump emails are cheaper, more reliable and faster than cash to demoncrats inside anonymous snailmail.
No sane and sensible person in their right mind will listen to nor watch the combination crap propaganda from any satanic subversive media brainwashing, so wasted efforts are doomed to pathetic and laughable futility.
I remember with satisfying glee the shocked sullen looks and weeping of the anti-Trump sexist when Hillarius surprisingly lost 2016 Election night. Great YouTube videos to repeatedly review! I guess that my anti-Hillarius websites and emails, plus the voluntary non-paid fervent and cooperative, albeit somewhat expensive, activism of other Christians had its marvelous effect.
When it comes down to it, free, committed, diligent voluntary labor for a cause, health, absence of accidents and mechanical breakdowns, service favors, etc etc etc are worth more than money, but even a little money can go a long long way.
I get almost all my free news from certain non-Trump-defamatory, trustworthy internet sources -- not paid nor non-paid anti-Trump newspaper, magazine, and sudden-random-visual-terrorism live TV and politicals ads thereof....and lived quite well to tell about it and comfortably survive without fearfully suckholing to nor investigating even potentially scurrilous and needless anti-Trump distractions.
If the Spirit wants me to know anything vital, He will let me know by decent means without me pollutively pandering to perverts as to what shenanigans they are concocting next. "The fear of humans lays a snare" said the Psalmist. Be afraid of God, not godless perverts. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, will answer to the LORD sometime in the future.
Decent Public Female Hairstyles
Twelve turncoat Republican Senators chose Nancy Pelosi over us:
Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
Mitt Romney (R-UT)
Mike Lee (R-UT)
Rand Paul (R-KY)
Susan Collins (R-ME)
Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
Pat Toomey (R-PA)
Jerry Moran (R-KS)
Rob Portman (R-OH)
Roger Wicker (R-MS)
Marco Rubio (R-FL)
Roy Blunt (R-MO)
...instead of standing with President Trump to secure the border...
They quibbled about hypothetical "unconstitutional executive overreach" scenarios.
Help us remind these U.S. Senators who they work for!
CRULES (Control Rules)
No Choice: Dangers of "Original Sin" Theology
FEAR of God?
Barack Obama Admits to Not Being Born in Hawaii, but Instead Born in Kenya
This time around, for the November 6th 2018 Election, instead of voting for either inferior-gender senatorial candidate of the two major political parties,
I voted for the "Unaffiliated" superior-gender candidate:
Jerry Trooien
(whether he will ultimately align with righteousness or wickedness).
Do not misunderstand me. I am against the concept of actualization of abortion homicide, those who commit
(not "perform") it (both female accomplices-not-victims, and abortionists in anti-healthful non-clinic
abortuaries), and those who promote and/or support abortion homicide . . . choice.
In stark contrast, by default (and as Jesus said: "Those who are not for us are against us"), I support
penis-endowed/born-male-at-birth non-transsexual/transgendered candidates who promote and/or support
anti-abortion-homicide . . . choice.
In other words, I vote for superior-gender candidates who advocate anti-abortion choice, not
inferior-gender candidates who advocate abortion choice.
Candidates who are abortion choice who tend to support and/or promote
non-forced and voluntary choice to commit (not "perform") the sin and crime of abortion homicide . . . are
diametrically opposite and opposed to candidates who tend to support and/or promote non-forced and voluntary
anti-abortion choice.
INFERIOR-gender candidates?
Study Ecclesiastes 7:26-28, Isaiah 3:12, Nahum 3:12-13, First Corinthians 11:1-16 and 14:33-38, First Timothy
2:11-15, and First Peter 3:7 regarding Scriptural basis for such decision (overriding
the "leading women" remark of St Paul in Acts 17:4).
I am well aware of the pathetic anomaly of Judge Deborah taking over because wimps like Barak stated that they would
not go into battle unless they essentially could hide behind a woman's fighter-pilot-like skirt.
Jesus told the Pharisees that if the children stopped praising Him, the stones would cry out, as a childish
And remember that King Ahasuerus told Queen Esther she could have anything UP TO half the kingdom. That is:
less than 50%, so he would yet retain ownership and be in majority charge of things. But non-feminist Esther simply
wanted to have her life, along with the lives of her Jewish friends, spared, and was not greedy for owning
what she could not handle and did not want.
My recourse concerning all this, is abolishing the woman-voters factor -- a sad and sordid result of the ill-conceived,
needless and senseless 19th Amendment (which should never have been suggested, nor signed into constitutional
law, or at least have been repealed a long time ago, as the anti-liquor Prohibition Amendment was thankfully
and wisely annulled, abrogated, and repealed by a subsequent constitutional amendment).
Decent Public Female Hairstyles
RE: Ford vs Cavanaugh Sex Assault Accusation
Inconsistencies of Delusional Christine Ford's Testimony
15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity or for any sin, in any sin that he allegedly sinned.
By the mouth of two witnesses or by the mouth of three witnesses shall the matter be established.
16 If a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him that which is wrong,
17 then both persons involved in the controversy shall stand before the Lord, before the priests and the judges who shall be in those days;
18 and the judges shall make diligent inquisition. And hey, if the witness be a false witness and has testified falsely against her neighbor,
19 then shall you all do to her as she had thought to have done to her neighbor; so shall you put the evil away from among you.
20 And those who remain shall hear and fear, and shall henceforth commit no more any such evil among you.
21 And your eye shall not pity; but life shall go for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.
During a Mississippi rally on Tuesday night, Donald Trump mocked Christine Ford by imitating her testimony and challenging the veracity of her claims against Brett Kavanaugh before a cheering crowd.
This isn't the first time that Trump has sided with Kavanaugh over the claims made by Ford, who alleged that Kavanaugh attempted to rape her during high school. But Tuesday's rally took Trump's criticism of the allegations to a whole new level. Kavanaugh, who has categorically denied that he has ever sexually assaulted anyone in his life, has received the full support of Trump from the beginning. In recent days, Trump has amped up his support of Kavanaugh, claiming that Kavanaugh is the real victim in this situation and that he is a good man.
But on Tuesday night, Trump went so far as to imitate the dialogue between senators and Ford. He said: "How did you get home?" "I don’t remember". "How did you get there?" "I don’t remember." "Where is the place?" "I don’t remember." "How many years ago was it?" "I don’t know." To applause, Trump continued imitating Ford, saying: "I don’t know. I don’t know."
"I did have a beer" he reminded the audience of her own words.
One beer can seriously alter the perceptions and exacerbate paranoid terror of a demonic-dishonest mentally-sick person not used to drinking beer.
In response to President Trump mocking indecently-hairstyled, bitter-twit, delusionary, false-accusatress Christine Ford,
her lawyer Michael Bromwich responded to Trump's speech wording as: "vicious, vile, and soul-less" and giving credence to Ford as
(allegedly, with no public FBI corroboration nor proof) being a victim of sexual assault by Kavanaugh.
He should have simply said: "No comment" as a professional and legitimate lawyer would, but as he did not, he should be disbarred and sued for gross-misdemeanor slander.
Why Believe the Bible?
Body Show
Original Sin Nature?
Decent Public Female Hairstyles
Credibility of Common Sense Science
Navy Hymn
The Glory of the Cross
Cleansing Fountain
Pilgrim's Hymn (Stephen Paulus)
He Who Shall Endure to the End (Mendelssohn)
Alleluia (Randall Thompson)
Salvation is Created (Pavel Tchesnokov)
Oasis (Maynard Ferguson)
Eiger Sanction (John Williams)
A Breath of Stillness
Common Sense Science Hotlinks
Decent Public Female Hairstyles
The following are reporter's questions to be asked (verbatim)
directed to the potential 2020 GOP Presidential-candidate and VP-Candidate . . .
requesting simple, non-elaborated-upon, non-diversionary yes-or-no answers:
1. As President and Vice-President, contrary to Kenyan-not-Hawaiian-born Barack Hussein Obama, would you advocate legalizing same-gender sodomy-unions licensing?
2. As President and Vice-President, would you criminalize committing abortion homicide, and illegalize calling such murder "reproductive women's health?"
3. As President and Vice-President, in stark contrast to Kenyan-not-Hawaiian-born Barack Hussein Obama, would you select or appoint an [inferior-gender] woman VP running mate, an [inferior-gender] woman High-Court judge, and/or an [inferior-gender] woman federal judge or cabinet member?
4. As President and Vice-President, would you promote positive public-school teaching of scientific Biblical origins of creation as historical fact, while discouraging propagandizing anti-Genesis heretical-mythology evolution theory?
5. As President and Vice-President, would you honor the public modesty of women consistently and seasonably dressed in hijab burkas in general public view?
6. As President and Vice-President, would you not threaten to cut entitlements against retired senior citizens, but instead lower the retirement age to age 60 for receiving Social Security benefit checks, plus discourage borrowing and loans of all types, including mortgages, student and car loans, etc.?
7. As President and Vice-President, would you support the geographical boundaries specified in Ezekiel chapter 47 as God-apportioned Israeli-owned territory, while calling for replacement of the antisemitic term: "palestinian" with: "anti-Zionist?"
Barack Obama Had Trouble Controlling His Own Obamanites
Let's now examine year-round HAIRSTYLES as to what by inference is acceptable to show in general public view in stark contrast to
what is lasciviously indecent (i.e. pornographic) to flaunt in questionable innocence and ignorance or instead with blatant defiant belligerence, whether subtly and silently, or instead overtly.
The first passage of Scripture considered concerning improper hairstyle is Numbers 5:18 in the Old Testament of The HOLY BIBLE:

Notice the selected words identified alphanumerically as H6544 and H7218. Key words used in the lexicon explanation are to loosen hair and shake the head.
Certain in-this-case-faulty bible translations (e.g. the KJV, NIV, etc.) instead convey the idea of merely "uncovering the head" in a sort of polite removal of a scarf, shawl, or cap on the head without messing up the hair.
Not so! What is intended is what the Revised Standard Version and New American Standard Version instead describe as unbind the woman's hair and loosening the woman's hair.
Such unbinding and unloosening is not for sexually-erotic stimulation or sensual gratification, but rather as a condemnatory accusation of suspected adulterous infidelity on the part of the woman involved.
It is, in essence, to shame and punish her by the local priest loosening her hair.
The next Scripture considered concerning improper hairstyle is Song of Solomon 7:5:

Observe the alphanumeric H1803. Key words used in the lexicon explanation mention dangling loose threads or hair.
Lamentably, both the KJV, the NIV, and other in-this-case-incorrect bible translation simply state the wrong word "hair" instead of the flowing locks loose long hair (i.e. mopheaded, with hair hanging below mouth-level) phenomenon.
This time, the loose long hair described IS indeed meant to be erotically captivating and sensuously enjoyed...but not intended to be exhibited indiscriminately as lewd and lurid,
non-asked-for, street-gutter wastewater to and against everyone in "general" public view (that is, mixed-gender view, as not presently belonging in marriage to the mopheaded one) -
but only to the mophead's own husband in the secluded privacy of their bedroom or whatever hidden
enclosure sexual interaction with him alone in marriage typically takes place.

The final Scripture considered concerning improper hairstyle is First Corinthians 11:15-16:

The New Testament of the RSV and NASV are deplorably lacking accuracy in many vital verses, but which the scholar can compensate for by
exploring and carefully examining the KJV and KJV-type Bibles (such as the KJ21, NKJV, etc.).
That is because certain RSV and NASV translators who concocted the misrepresentation involving those verses changed and/or omitted words (in striking contrast to the KJV-type Bibles),
basing their errancy on such significantly-corrupt Greek texts as the Westcott-Hort, Sinaiticus, Vaticanus, UBS, Aland-Metzger, and Nestle texts.
In contrast, the King James Version and KJV-type Bibles based their English wording on Received Text of such faithful men as Erasmus, Beza, Elzevir, Stephens, etc. which texts were finally
synthesized into THE inerrant Greek Text of the New Testament by F.H.A. Scrivener in 1894 and now known as the Trinitarian Greek Text available from
Baker Books of Grand Rapids MI, Sovereign Grace Publishing of Lafayette IN, and Hendrickson Publishing of Peabody MA.
Why this webpage author mentioned that is because the studious webpage reader will notice that some translation use the words "instead of" rather than "for" (a head-covering veil) in First Corinthians 11:15.....
and use the words "no such" rather than "no other" (custom) in First Corinthians 11:16.
Clearly, the RSV is in error by their use of the words "no other" (instead of "no such") in their mis-rendition of and against that verse.
It appears that author Paul was conveying the idea that it is not the custom of the churches of God for a woman to regard her glorious loose long hair as sufficient or adequate as a prayer-covering veil.
That would especially be true in general-public (both-genders) view, as within a church congregation during worship services and/or church-picnic luncheons.
BARED Arms in GENERAL Public View?
Old West Dress
Words alone are fine and create a comprehensible framework for both universal verbal and written intellectual description and evaluation, but that mere abstract collection of English letters is
lamentably directly associated with mopheaded indecent hairstyles you and I regrettably are barraged with when encountering certain living people roaming around,
what it profusely imposed on us when watching cable or airwaved-broadcast television programming with commercials, along with other magazine and newspaper and
internet photo examples of actual-person despicable immodesty so abhorrently widespread and presently prevalent.
Proper Public Hairstyle
Ah, warm weather.....rife and reeking with the senseless, silly, and stupid sights of a sexually-harassing human zoo of loose-long-haired mopheadedness, nude arms, naked legs, and
soxlessly-sandal-footed parts of bare feet parading around outside of apartment, condo, and car-bound cages in their natural habitat! How noxiously lewd and despicable!

All Hail the Power of Jesus Name [internal]
And Can It Be [internal]
Wonderful Words of Life [internal]